SecurityBase QDialog name SecurityBase geometry 0 0 327 483 caption Security Settings layoutMargin layoutSpacing margin 0 spacing 0 QTabWidget name TabWidget2 layoutMargin QWidget name tab title Passcode margin 6 spacing 6 QGroupBox name GroupBox4 title Passcode margin 11 spacing 6 QLayoutWidget name Layout1 layoutSpacing margin 0 spacing -1 QPushButton name changepasscode text Change passcode whatsThis This button will let you change the security passcode. Note: This is *not* the sync password. QPushButton name clearpasscode text Clear passcode whatsThis Delete the current passcode. You can enter a new one at any time. QCheckBox name passcode_poweron text Require pass code at power-on whatsThis If you enable this option, a passcode must be entered after every resume event of your Zaurus. QLabel name TextLabel1 sizePolicy 5 7 text <P>Pass code protection provides a minimal level of protection from casual access to this device. textFormat RichText alignment AlignTop|AlignLeft vAlign name Spacer3 orientation Vertical sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QWidget name tab title Login margin 6 spacing 6 QGroupBox name GroupBox3 title Login margin 11 spacing 6 QCheckBox name autologinToggle text Login Automatically whatsThis If you select this option, opie-login will automagically log you in with the user you have selected in the drop-down list. For the Zaurus 5x00 this is always the user "root". QComboBox name userlist whatsThis This drop-down list allows you to select the user for auto-login (if enabled above). You can only select an actually configured user. name Spacer2 orientation Vertical sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QWidget name tab title Sync margin 11 spacing 6 name Spacer1 orientation Vertical sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QGroupBox name GroupBox2 title Sync margin 11 spacing 6 QLabel name TextLabel1_2 text Accept sync from network: textFormat RichText QComboBox name syncnet editable true whatsThis Select a net-range or enter a new one. This drop-down list lets you select a net range which is allowed to connect to your Zaurus. For example, a net range of will allow any machine with an IP between and to connect to (and sync with) your Zaurus. The entry "All" will allow *any* IP to connect. The entry "None" will *deny* any connection. If unsure, select "Any". QLayoutWidget name Layout4 margin 0 spacing 6 QPushButton name deleteentry text Delete Entry whatsThis Delete the selected net range from the list If you press this button, the currently selected net range will be deleted from the list of net ranges. If you hit this button in error, the button "Restore Defaults" will restore the list to the state it has been when you initially booted your Zaurus. QPushButton name restoredefaults text Restore Defaults whatsThis This button will restore the list of net ranges to the defaults. Beware that all manually entered net ranges will be lost! QLabel name TextLabel2 text Select your sync software QComboBox text Qtopia 1.7 text Opie 1.0 text IntelliSync name syncModeCombo whatsThis Alter the Sync Protocol to tweak for the different devices. IntelliSync will disable the password check but you'll be prompted to accept the connection. Opie1.0 will be compatible with QtopiaDesktop, MultiSync and KitchenSync Qtopia1.7 will alter the way data is send to the client and will not work with older clients.