- used for the buildsystem cvsbook.html - A Book describing the use of CVS opie-big-features.xml- Features needed for Big Screen Opie opie-features.dtd - DTD for the XML feature plan README - This file tmake_ref.html - Info about the old tmake. Better see your qmake documentation ( qassistant ) calibrate2 - New calibration tool by schurig for swapped x/y axis cross-debug - Old cross debugger + introduction by sandman documents - Currently empty header - Template Header for Opie host-tools - random collection of useful tools running on your host and not inside Qt/E Opie performance - small tool to test drawing performance pim - Ideas about new database backends translation - Opie host tools for generating Translations wepgen - small utility for generating wep keys OLD stuff that needs an update opie-1.0-features.html Old list of planned 1.0 features (outdatet ) OpiePIM.kpr A KPresenter comparsion of Qtopia, KDE and OPIE PIM (old) OpiePIM.tar.gz Same as above but webpages (old) toolchain.tar.gz Opie needs a toolchain to be built on x86 but Opie also needs some additional headers and libraries to be built This archive contains libuuid lib + header pam lib + header -zecke(old)