Information about porting Opie to MacOS-X (eilers) ================================================== Credits: -------- Special thanks to Andreas Junghans ( for its patches for qt-X11 (2.3.2), QT/E (2.3.5) and qtopia (1.6.1). Without them, I wouldn't be able to provide the port for OPIE to MacOS-X that fast.. Status: ------- The basic system works quite well. But a lot of applications and plugins, which are platform specific, need some work to be compileable. What is ready: libqpe libopie1 libopie2/opiedb pim-applications (addressbook, todolist, datebook, today) A lot of applications and plugins which are not platform specific. What will follow soon: libopie2 How to compile Opie for MacOS-X: ------------------------------- Before compiling for MacOS-X, you need the following: 1. X11-Server+X11SDK (Provided by Apple) 2. QT-2.3.2 for X11 (Provided by Trolltech) 3. QT/E-2.3.7 (Provided by Trolltech) 4. Patches for QT-2.3.2 for MacOSX (take the one in this directory !) 5. Patches for QT/E-2.3.7 for MacOSX (take the one, provided in $OPIEDIR/qt) The Patch for QT/E for Opie, including all other opie-patches is available in the qt-directory ($OPIEDIR/qt) and is called "qte237-all-macosx.patch". The Patch for QT-2.3.2 is provided in this directory.. If your buildsystem is working correctly, you should be able to build opie. HOWTO COMPILE: ------------- Compile QT-2.3.2: Got to into the basic directory of qt-2.3.2 and enter export QTDIR=`pwd` export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$QTDIR/lib ./configure -no-xft -platform darwin-g++ make After compiling successful (I hope) you need qvfb: cd tools/qvfb make Compile QT/E-2.3.7: Got to into the basic directory of qt-2.3.2 and enter export QTDIR=`pwd` export QPEDIR=$QTDIR export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$QTDIR/lib ./configure -platform darwin-generic-g++ -qconfig qpe -qvfb -depths 4,8,16,32 make Compile OPIE: Set your environment (You may use the script "" to set your variables successfully ! BUT: You have to customize this script for YOUR needs !!) Go into the basic directory of Opie make menuconfig" set "Build Parameters"->"Target Machine"->"Mac OS X (DARWIN)" to activate the platform specific changes. save and exit the menuconfig app make You will see that a lot of applications and plugins/applets will not compile successfully, due to the fact that they are not ported to this platform. You may disable them to be able to compile the rest. Remember: A lot of configuration-settings are not tested and might fail to compile. If you want to avoid misconfigurations, you may want to start with the config-file in this directory. Just copy "config_macosx" to $OPIEDIR/.config to get a working configuration to start with. (The missing apps/plugins will be ported on demand.) SPECIAL INFORMATION FOR USERS OF PANTHER ---------------------------------------- I had a lot of problems compiling qt-2.3.2 and QT/E-2.3.7 on Panther. The new release of the X-Server causes a lot of trouble.. To compile QT-2.3.2 successfully, you have to disable support of freetype fonts and you have to use the patch in this directory, otherwise your wont't be able to compile ! Use the param "-no-xft" for the configure script to disable this function ! Information for Developers: --------------------------- 1. Platform specific code should be surrounded by #ifdef Q_OS_MACX MACOS-X CODE #else OTHER-CODE #endif 2. The Plugin-Handling by MacOS-X is different than it is by Linux. On linux-systems, shared libraries are not different to dynamic loaded libraries (aka plugins). They just are different whether they are loaded automatically at startup or manually by any application. On MacOS-X, the plugins are loaded by a special mechanism and must be in a special binary format. Therefore you have to add the term "plugin" to the CONFIG-clause, as for instance: TEMPLATE=lib CONFIG += qt plugin release If you don't add "plugin" you will get a shared library which is not loadable (Error-Code: NSObjectFileImageInappropriateFile (2))! For problems, help and flames, feel free to contact me at