Opie Embeddedkonsole

is a terminal emulation program. You use it as you would any commandline.
You can add new konsole tabs by clicking on the 'Terminal' icon. This will start a new konsole session.
There are only three fonts to choose from, but several color schemes, and you can choose your own colors by selecting 'Custom' from the Options menu.

It has a hidable commandlist for easily selecting much used or long commands.
You can also edit these two ways, 'Quick Edit' simply lets you edit in the combo box.
'Edit' will open a commandlist editing window. Here you can rearrange the order of commands. You can remove, or add commands.

There is a way to start commands from another command:

qcop QPE/Application/embeddedkonsole 'setDocument(QString)' 'ssh -V'


embeddedconsole -e uberhotub

© 2002ljp llornkcor@handhelds.org
Last modified: Fri Oct 18 02:41:26 +0000 2002