HandwritingHelp Handwriting Help Nápověda Handwriting <ul><li>When you start to use the handwriting recogniser write slowly, accurately and firmly.<li>Use the guide lines when drawing your characters.<li>When drawing a character with multiple strokes, each successive stroke must be drawn before the grayed strokes are erased.<li>Practice your handwriting using the handwriting trainer.<li>When adding your own character templates make sure they are sufficiently different from other characters' templates.</ul> Tips Trainer HandwritingTrainer Select a reference character from the list. Practice writing in the area on the right. No match Matched: Similar to: %1% InputMethods Handwriting QIMPenEdit New... Add Remove Default Clear OK Cancel QIMPenInput Shortcut QIMPenInputCharDlg Enter new character Character: QIMPenPrefBase Multi-stroke character timeout: ms Input areas displayed Upper and lower case areas Lower case (toggle Upper case) QIMPenSetup Setup Handwriting Input Character Profile: Preferences Customize %1 ms Out of space Unable to save information. Free up some space and try again. Quit anyway?