LoadInfo Application CPU usage (%) System CPU usage (%) This page shows how much this device's processor is being used. Type: MemoryInfo This page shows how memory (i.e. RAM) is being allocated on your device. Memory is categorized as follows: 1. Used - memory used to by Opie and any running applications. 2. Buffers - temporary storage used to improve performance 3. Cached - information that has recently been used, but has not been freed yet. 4. Free - memory not currently used by Opie or any running applications. Total Memory: %1 kB Used (%1 kB) Buffers (%1 kB) Cached (%1 kB) Free (%1 kB) Total Swap: %1 kB MemoryStatus Memory Status Memory Swapfile <center><b>Memory Monitor Plugin</b><br>Copyright (C) 2003 Anton Maslovsky<br>&lt;<a href="mailto:my-zaurus@narod.ru">my-zaurus@narod.ru</a>&gt;<br><a href="http://my-zaurus.narod.ru">http://my-zaurus.narod.ru</a><br>Based on source code from:<br> qswap (udoseidel@gmx.de) <br> Battery Applet (trolltech.com) <br> SysInfo (OPIE)<br><br>This program is licensed under GNU GPL.</center> About Swapfile Swapfile location RAM CF Card SD Card On Off Manage Swapfile Generate Remove 2 Mb,4 Mb,6 Mb,8 Mb Failed to detach swapfile. Swapfile deactivated. Failed to create swapfile. Failed to initialize swapfile. Swapfile created. Failed to remove swapfile. Swapfile removed. Swapfile activated.