iso8859-1 Appearance Settings... Préférences... Current scheme Thème actuel Edit... Delete Effacer Save Sauver Force styling for all applications. Disable styling for these applications ( <b>*</b> can be used as a wildcard): Binary file(s) Tab style: Tabs Tabs w/icons Drop down list Drop down list w/icons Top Bottom Appearance Apparence Style Style Font Police Colors Couleurs Windows Advanced Restart Redémarer Do you want to restart %1 now? Yes Oui No Non Save Scheme Save scheme Scheme does already exist. Delete scheme Effacer le thème Do you really want to delete Voulez-vous vraiment effacer Unable to delete current scheme. Impossible d'effacer le thème actuel. <new> EditScheme Edit scheme Editer le thème SampleWindow Sample Normal Item Disabled Item Menu Normal Text Highlighted Text Button Check Box Sample window using the selected settings.