CategoryFilterDlg Category Filter Filtre par catégorie &OK &Ok &Cancel &Annuler Select groups to show Sélectionner les groupes à afficher DataManager Reading configuration... Lecture de la configuration... InputDialog &OK &Ok &Cancel &Annuler InstallDlg Install Installer Start Démarrer Options Options Output Sortie Destination Destination Space Avail Espace dispo InstallDlgImpl Close Fermer InstallOptionsDlg Options Options Force Depends Forcer les dépendances Force Reinstall Forcer la réinstallation Force Remove Forcer l'effacement Force Overwrite Forcer la ré-écriture Verbose WGet WGet info OK Ok MainWindow AQPkg - Package Manager AQPkg - Gestionnaire de package Type the text to search for here. Taper le texte à rechercher ici. Click here to hide the Quick Jump toolbar. Cliquer ici pour cacher la barre d'outil. Update lists Mettre à jour les listes Click here to update package lists from servers. Cliquer ici pour mettre les listes de packages à jour à partir des serveurs. Upgrade Mettre à jour Click here to upgrade all installed packages if a newer version is available. Cliquer ici pour mettre à jour tous les packages installés si une nouvelle version est disponible. Download Télécharger Click here to download the currently selected package(s). Cliquer ici pour télécharger le(s) package(s) sélectionné(s). Apply changes Appliquer les changements Click here to install, remove or upgrade currently selected package(s). Cliquer ici pour installer, enlever ou mettre à jour le(s) package(s) sélectionné(s). Actions Actions Show packages not installed Montrer les packages non installés Click here to show packages available which have not been installed. Cliquer ici pour afficher les packages disponibles qui n'ont pas été installés. Show installed packages Afficher les packages installés Click here to show packages currently installed on this device. Cliquer ici pour afficher les packages installés sur ce périphérique. Show updated packages Afficher les packages mis à jour Click here to show packages currently installed on this device which have a newer version available. Cliquer ici pour afficher les packages installés sur ce périphérique et qui ont une version plus récente disponible. Filter by category Fltre par catégorie Click here to list packages belonging to one category. Set filter category Click here to change package category to used filter. Find Click here to search for text in package names. Find next Click here to find the next package name containing the text you are searching for. Quick Jump keypad Click here to display/hide keypad to allow quick movement through the package list. View Configure Click here to configure this application. Help Click here for help. About Click here for software version information. Options Click here to hide the find toolbar. Servers: Click here to select a package feed. Packages This is a listing of all packages for the server feed selected above. A blue dot next to the package name indicates that the package is currently installed. A blue dot with a star indicates that a newer version of the package is available from the server feed. Click inside the box at the left to select a package. About AQPkg Remove Click here to uninstall the currently selected package(s). Building server list: %1 Building package list for: %1 Installed To - %1 Description - %1 Size - %1 Section - %1 Filename - %1 V. Installed - %1 V. Available - %1 Refreshing server package lists WARNING: Upgrading while Opie/Qtopia is running is NOT recommended! Are you sure? Warning Upgrading installed packages Are you sure you wish to delete %1? Are you sure? No Yes Download to where Enter path to download to Install Remote Package Enter package location Nothing to do No packages selected OK Do you wish to remove or reinstall %1? Remove or ReInstall ReInstall R Do you wish to remove or upgrade %1? Remove or Upgrade U SettingsBase Configuration Servers Active Server Name: URL: Change Remove New Destinations Link To Root Proxies HTTP Proxy Password Enabled FTP Proxy Username &Apply General (Will take effect on restart) Show Jump To Letters