@default Reply Répondre Reply All Répondre à Tous Delete Supprimer AccountView Error creating new Folder <center>Error while creating<br>new folder - breaking.</center> AddressPicker There are no entries in the addressbook. Error <p>You have to select at least one address entry.</p> Ok AddressPickerUI Address Picker Ok Cancel Annuler ComposeMail Name Nom Size Problem <p>Please create an SMTP account first.</p> Ok Error <p>Please select a File.</p> ComposeMailUI Compose Message send later use: Mail Message Subject Objet From To A Options Reply-To BCC Signature CC CC Attachment Delete File Add File Composer Form1 Formulaire1 CC CC Subject Objet Cancel Annuler Reset Réinitialiser Queue File d'Attente Send Envoyer From: De: To: A: EditAccounts Account Type Question <p>Do you really want to delete the selected Account?</p> Yes No Error <p>Please select an account.</p> Ok EditAccountsUI Configure Accounts Mail Message Delete Supprimer New Name of the Account Edit News IMAPconfigUI Configure IMAP User Utilisateur Use SSL Password Mot de Passe Port Port Server Serveur Name of the Account Account Prefix MailviewerApp View Affichage Compose Composer Settings Configurations Mail Message Mailboxes Boîtes aux Lettres Configure OpieMail Configurer OpieMail MainWindow Mail Message Settings Configurations Compose new mail Send queued mails Show/Hide folders Delete Mail Edit settings Configure accounts Mailbox Subject Objet Sender Expéditeur Size Date Date NNTPconfigUI Configure NNTP Port Port Name of the Account Account Server Serveur Use SSL User Utilisateur Password Mot de Passe Use Login Newmdirdlgui Enter directory name Directory name: Directory contains other subdirs OpieMail Info Mail queue flushed Delete Mail <p>Do you really want to delete this mail? <br><br> Read this mail Delete this mail Copy/Move this mail Error creating new Folder <center>Error while creating<br>new folder - breaking.</center> OpieMailConfig OpieMail Config Config OpieMail Folders Répertoires &Add &Ajouter &Modify &Modifier &Delete &Supprimer Folder name Nom répertoire Identity Indentité Transport Transport Input Entrée Name Nom Folder Répertoire User Utilisateur Server Serveur Protocol Protocole Output Sortie OpieMailConfigImpl Delete mailbox Supprimer boîte aux lettres Delete the mailbox? All mails will be deleted. Supprimer la boîte aux lettres ? Tous les messages seront détruits. OpieMailFolder OpieMail Folder Config Config Répertoire OpieMail Description: Description : Name: Nom : OpieMailIdenty OpieMail Identity - Config Config - Identité OpieMail Signature: Signature : Identity: Identité : Name: Nom : Organization: Organisation : EMail: E-Mail : Reply To Répondre à Use for sending Utiliser pour répondre OpieMailInputConfig OpieMailInput Entrée OpieMail Name: Nom : Server: Serveur : Protocol Protocole Destination Folder Répertoire de Destination Username: Nom Utilisateur : Password Mot de Passe Port Port 110 110 Enable intervall checking. Vérification par intervalle. Check every: Vérifier chaque : minutes minutes &Delete mail from server when deleted local. &Détruire sur le serveur les messages supprimés en local. &Keep Mail on Server &Conserver les Messages sur le Serveur OpieMailOutputConfig OpieMailOutPut Sortie OpieMail Name: Nom : Protocol Protocole Server: Serveur : Username: Nom Utilisateur : Password Mot de Passe Server requires authentication Le serveur requière une authentification Port Port 25 25 POP3configUI Configure POP3 Account Name of the Account Server Serveur Port Port Use secure sockets: ssh $SERVER exec imapd User Utilisateur Password Mot de Passe QMailView Subject Objet To A Sender Expéditeur Date Date (Re)edit (Re)éditer Copy To Copier Dans Move To Déplacer Vers SMTPconfigUI Configure SMTP Account Use SSL Use Login Name of the Account Name of the SMTP Server Password Mot de Passe Port Port Server Serveur Port of the SMTP Server User Utilisateur SelectMailTypeUI Select Type Select Account Type IMAP POP3 SMTP SettingsDialogUI Settings Dialog View Mail View mail as Html Compose Mail Send mails later ( enqueue in outbox ) Taskbar Applet Disable Taskbar Applet min Check how often Blink Led when new mails arrive Play Sound when new mails arrive SplitterWidgetBase Form1 Formulaire1 StatusWidgetUI Form1 Formulaire1 TextLabel1 ViewMail Show Text Save Attachment From To A Cc Date Date Error <p>The mail body is not yet downloaded, so you cannot reply yet. Ok <p>The mail body is not yet downloaded, so you cannot forward yet. Delete Mail <p>Do you really want to delete this mail? <br><br> ViewMailBase E-Mail by %1 Mail Message Reply Répondre Forward Attachments Show Html Delete Mail Description Filename Size selectstoreui Select target box <b>Store mail(s) to</b> Folder: Account: Create new folder Prefix will prepend, no need to enter it! Move mail(s)