CategoryFilterImpl Category Filter Kategoriju Filtrs Select one or more groups Izvēlēties vienu vai vairāk grupas DataManager Reading configuration... Lasa konfigurāciju... InputDialog &OK &OK &Cancel &Atlikt InstallDlgImpl Remove Izņemt Install Instalēt Upgrade Uzlabot (ReInstall) (Pārinstalēt) (Upgrade) (Uzlabot) Destination Mērķis Space Avail Pieejamā Vieta Output Izvads Start Starts Options Opcijas All Visas Text Teksts Abort Pārtrauce **** User Clicked ABORT *** **** Lietotājs klikšķināja PĀRTRAUKT **** **** Process Aborted **** **** Process Pārtraukts **** Close Aizvērt %1 Kb %1 Kb Unknown Nezināms Save output Saglabāt izvadu InstallOptionsDlgImpl Options Opcijas Force Depends Force Reinstall Force Remove Force Overwrite Information Level Errors only Normal messages Informative messages Troubleshooting output Ipkg Dealing with package %1 Removing symbolic links... Creating symbolic links for %1. Creating symbolic links for %1 Finished Removing status entry... status file - package - Couldn't open status file - Couldn't create tempory status file - Couldn't start ipkg process Could not open : Creating directory Linked %1 to %2 Failed to link %1 to %2 Removed %1 Failed to remove %1 Removed Failed to remove MainWindow AQPkg - Package Manager Type the text to search for here. Click here to hide the Quick Jump toolbar. Update lists Click here to update package lists from servers. Upgrade Click here to upgrade all installed packages if a newer version is available. Download Click here to download the currently selected package(s). Apply changes Click here to install, remove or upgrade currently selected package(s). Configure Click here to configure this application. Actions Show packages not installed Click here to show packages available which have not been installed. Show installed packages Click here to show packages currently installed on this device. Show updated packages Click here to show packages currently installed on this device which have a newer version available. Filter by category Click here to list packages belonging to one category. Set filter category Click here to change package category to used filter. Find Click here to search for text in package names. Find next Click here to find the next package name containing the text you are searching for. Quick Jump keypad Click here to display/hide keypad to allow quick movement through the package list. View Click here to hide the find toolbar. Servers: Click here to select a package feed. Packages This is a listing of all packages for the server feed selected above. A blue dot next to the package name indicates that the package is currently installed. A blue dot with a star indicates that a newer version of the package is available from the server feed. Click inside the box at the left to select a package. Remove Click here to uninstall the currently selected package(s). Building server list: %1 Building package list for: %1 Refreshing server package lists WARNING: Upgrading while Opie/Qtopia is running is NOT recommended! Are you sure? Warning Upgrading installed packages Are you sure you wish to delete %1? Are you sure? No Yes Download to where Enter path to download to Install Remote Package Enter package location Nothing to do No packages selected OK Do you wish to remove or reinstall %1? Remove or ReInstall ReInstall Do you wish to remove or upgrade %1? Remove or Upgrade Updating Launcher... PackageWindow <b>Description</b> - <p><b>Installed To</b> - <p><b>Size</b> - <p><b>Section</b> - <p><b>Filename</b> - <p><b>Version Installed</b> - <p><b>Version Available</b> - Package Information Package information is unavailable Close Aizvērt QObject Installed packages Local packages N/A Package - %1 version - %2 inst version - %1 Version string is empty. Epoch in version is not number. Nothing after colon in version number. QuestionDlg Remove SettingsImpl Configuration Servers Destinations Proxies New Delete Server Name: Address: Active Server Update Destination Mērķis Location: Link to root HTTP Proxy Enabled FTP Proxy Username: Password: