Checkbook Checkbook Čekugrāmata New checkbook Jauna Čeku grāmata Info Info Transactions Tranzakcijas Charts Grafiki Password protect Paroles aizsardzība Click here to enable/disable password protection of this checkbook. Klikšķiniet šeit lai izslēgtu/ieslēgtu paroles aizsardzību šajā čeku grāmatiņā. Name: Nosaukums: Enter name of checkbook here. Ievadiet čeku grāmatiņas nosaukumu. Type: Tips: Select type of checkbook here. Izvēlaties čeku grāmatiņas tipu. Bank: Banka: Enter name of the bank for this checkbook here. Ievadiet bankas nosaukumu čeku grāmatiņai. Account number: Konta nummurs: Enter account number for this checkbook here. Ievadiet konta nummuru šai čeku grāmatiņai. PIN number: PIN: Enter PIN number for this checkbook here. Ievadiet čeku grāmatiņas PIN kodu. Starting balance: Sākuma atlikums: Enter the initial balance for this checkbook here. Ievadied čeku grāmatiņas sākuma bilanci. Notes: Piezīmes: Enter any additional information for this checkbook here. Ievadiet jebkuru papildus informāciju par čeku grāmatiņu. Sort by: Kārtot pēc: Select checkbook sorting here. Izvēlaties čeku grāmatiņas kārtošanu. Entry Order Ierakstu Kārtība Date Datums Number Numurs This is a listing of all transactions entered for this checkbook. To sort entries by a specific field, click on the column name. Šis ir visu čeku grāmatiņā ierakstīto transakciju saraksts. Lai sakārtotu ierakstus pēc kāda lauka, klikšķiniet uz kolonas vārda. Id Id SortDate SortDatums Num Num Description Apraksts Amount Summa Balance Bilance New Jauns Click here to add a new transaction. Klikšķiniet šeit, lai pievienotu jaunu transakciju. Edit Labot Select a transaction and then click here to edit it. Izvēlaties tranzakciju un tad klikšķiniet šeit, lai to labotu. Delete Dzēst Select a checkbook and then click here to delete it. Izvēlaties čeku grāmatiņu un tad klikšķiniet šeit, lai to dzēstu. Select the desired chart below and then click on the Draw button. Klikšķiniet uz izvēlētā grafika zemāk un tad klikšķiniet uz Zīmēt pogas. Click here to select the desired chart type. Klikšķiniet šeit lai norādītu izvēlēto grafika tipu. Account balance Konta bilance Withdrawals by category Izņemšana pēc kategorijas Deposits by category Ienākumi pēc kategorijas Draw Zīmēt Click here to draw the selected chart. Klikšķiniet šeit lai zīmētu izvēlēto grafiku. Enter password Ievadiet paroli Please enter your password: Lūdzu ievadiet savu paroli: Confirm password Apstiprini paroli Please confirm your password: Lūdzu apstipriniet paroli: Please enter your password to confirm removal of password protection: Lūdzu ievadiet paroli, lai apstiprininātu paroles aizsardzības noņemšanu: Delete transaction Dzēst tranzakciju Configuration Configure Checkbook Konfigurēt Čeku Grāmatiņu &Settings &Iestatījumi Type Tips New Account Type Jauns Konta Tips &Account Types &Kontu Tipi Category Kategorija New Category Jauna Kategorija Expense Izdevumi Income Ienākumi &Categories &Kategorijas Payee Maksātājs New Payee Jauns Maksātājs &Payees &Maksātāji Enter currency symbol: Ievadiet valūtas simbolu: Enter your local currency symbol here. Šeit ievadiet jūsu lokālās valūtas apzīmējumu. Show whether checkbook is password protected Rādīt vai čeku grāmatiņa ir aizsargāta ar paroli Click here to select whether or not the main window will display that the checkbook is protected with a password. Klikšķiniet šeit, lai izvēlētos vai galvenais logs attēlo vai dotā čeku grāmatiņa ir aizsargāta ar paroli vai nē. Show checkbook balances Rādīt čeku grāmatiņas bilances Click here to select whether or not the main window will display the current balance for each checkbook. Klikšķiniet šeit, lai izvēlētos vai galvenais logs rādīs tekošo bilanci katrai čeku gramatiņai. Open last checkbook Click here to select whether the last open checkbook will be opened at startup. Show last checkbook tab Click here to select whether the last tab in a checkbook should be displayed. Save new description as payee Click here to save new descriptions in the list of payess. ListEdit Add Delete MainWindow Checkbook New Click here to create a new checkbook. You also can select New from the Checkbook menu. Edit Select a checkbook and then click here to edit it. You also can select Edit from the Checkbook menu, or click and hold on a checkbook name. Delete Select a checkbook and then click here delete it. You also can select Delete from the Checkbook menu. Configure Click here to configure this app. This is a listing of all checkbooks currently available. Checkbook Name Balance Enter password Please enter your password: Delete checkbook QWidget Date Edit New Delete Savings Checking CD Money market Mutual fund Other Expense Automobile Bills CDs Clothing Computer DVDs Electronics Entertainment Food Gasoline Misc Movies Rent Travel Income Work Family Member Misc. Credit Transaction Transaction for Withdrawal Select whether the transaction is a withdrawal or deposit here. Deposit Date: Select date of transaction here. Number: Enter check number here. Description: Enter description of transaction here. Category: Select transaction category here. Type: Select transaction type here. The options available vary based on whether the transaction is a deposit or withdrawal. Amount: Enter the amount of transaction here. The value entered should always be positive. Fee: Enter any fee amount assoiciated with this transaction. The value entered should always be positive. Notes: Enter any additional information for this transaction here. Debit Charge Written Check Transfer Credit Card Automatic Payment Cash