Appearance Settings... Current scheme Aktualny schemat Edit... Delete Usun Save Zapisz Force styling for all applications. Disable styling for these applications ( <b>*</b> can be used as a wildcard): Binary file(s) Tab style: Tabs Tabs w/icons Drop down list Drop down list w/icons Top Bottom Appearance Wyglad Style Styl Font Colors Kolory Windows Advanced Restart Do you want to restart %1 now? Yes Tak No Nie Save Scheme Save scheme Scheme does already exist. Delete scheme Usun schemat Do you really want to delete Naprade chcesz skasowac schemat? Unable to delete current scheme. Nie mozna usunac aktualnego schematu. <new> EditScheme Edit scheme Edytuj schemat SampleWindow Sample Normal Item Disabled Item Menu Normal Text Highlighted Text Button Check Box Sample window using the selected settings.