Keys Ok Ok Defaults Domyslne Cancel Anuluj Change Direction Keys Zmien przyciski kierunkow Undefined key Niezdefiniowany przycisk Kpacman &New &Nowa &Pause &Pauza &Hall of fame &Sala slawy &Quit &Koniec &Hide Mousecursor &Ukryj kursor &Select graphic scheme &Wybierz schemat grafiki &Pause in Background Pauzuj w &tle &Continue in Foreground Kontynuuj na &pierwszym planie Change &keys... &Zmien przyciski... @PACKAGE@ - @VERSION@ Joerg Thoennissen ( A pacman game for the KDE Desktop The program based on the source of ksnake by Michel Filippi ( The design was strongly influenced by the pacman (c) 1980 MIDWAY MFG.CO. I like to thank my girlfriend Elke Krueers for the last 10 years of her friendship. &Help &Pomoc KPacman KpacmanWidget The bitfont could not be contructed. The file '@FONTNAME@' does not exist, or is of an unknown format. Referee GAME OVER KONIEC GRY PLAYER ONE GRACZ 1 READY! SZYKUJ SIE! PAUSED PAUZA CHARACTER POSTAC / / NICKNAME KSYWKA -SHADOW -SHADOW "BLINKY" "BLINKY" -SPEEDY -SPEEDY "PINKY" "PINKY" -BASHFUL -BASHFUL "INKY" "INKY" -POKEY -POKEY "CLYDE" "CLYDE" QTOPIA PORT: CATALIN CLIMOV PRESS CURSOR TO START WCISNIJ KURSOR BY ZACZAC Score 1UP HIGH SCORE 2UP CONGRATULATIONS GRATULACJE YOU HAVE ARCHIEVED OSIAGNOLES A SCORE IN THE TOP 10. PUNKTACJA W PIERWSZEJ 10. RNK SCORE NAME DATE PAUSED PAUZA @YY@/@MM@/@DD@ Status The pixmap could not be contructed. The file '@PIXMAPNAME@' does not exist, or is of an unknown format. Initialization Error Blad inicjalizacji