FileSysInfo CF This graph represents how much memory is currently used on this Compact Flash memory card. Ha This graph represents how much storage is currently used on this hard drive. SD This graph represents how much memory is currently used on this Secure Digital memory card. SC In This graph represents how much memory is currently used of the built-in memory (i.e. Flash memory) on this handheld device. RA This graph represents how much memory is currently used of the temporary RAM disk. LoadInfo Application CPU usage (%) Aplikacje CPU (%) System CPU usage (%) System CPU (%) Type: Typ: This page shows how much this device's processor is being used. MemoryInfo Used (%1 kB) Uzywane (%1 kB) Buffers (%1 kB) Bufory (%1 kB) Cached (%1 kB) Podreczna (%1 kB) Free (%1 kB) Wolne (%1 kB) Total Memory: %1 kB Calkowita: %1 kB This page shows how memory (i.e. RAM) is being allocated on your handheld device. Memory is categorized as follows: 1. Used - memory used to by Opie and any running applications. 2. Buffers - temporary storage used to improve performance 3. Cached - information that has recently been used, but has not been freed yet. 4. Free - memory not currently used by Opie or any running applications. ModulesInfo Module Size Use# This is a list of all the kernel modules currently loaded on this handheld device. Click and hold on a module to see additional information about the module, or to unload it. Select a command here and then click the Send button to the right to send the command to module selected above. Send Wyslane Click here to send the selected command to the module selected above. This area shows detailed information about this module. Used by You really want to execute %1 for this module? MountInfo Used (%1 kB) Uzywane (%1 kB) Available (%1 kB) Dostepne (%1 kB) : %1 kB ProcessInfo PID Command Komenda Status Time Czas This is a list of all the processes on this handheld device. Click and hold on a process to see additional information about the process, or to send a signal to it. Select a signal here and then click the Send button to the right to send to this process. Send Wyslane Click here to send the selected signal to this process. This area shows detailed information about this process. You really want to send %1 to this process? SystemInfo System Info Informacja o systemie Memory Pamiec Storage Dyski CPU Process Procesy Version Versja Modules VersionInfo <b>Linux Kernel</b><p>Version: <b>Linux Kernel</b><p>Wersja: Compiled by: Kompilowana przez: <b>Opie</b><p>Version: <b>Opie</b><p>Wersja: Built on: Utworzona: <p>Version: <p>Model: <p>Vendor: This page shows the current versions of Opie, the Linux kernel and distribution running on this handheld device.