DictToolBase MyDialog1 All dictionaries Todos os dicionários Personal dictionary Dicionário pessoal System dictionary (English) Dicionário de sistema (Inglês) Selects the dictionary to manipulate. Search Procurar Pattern Padrão Enter your search pattern here. You may use <big><tt>?</tt></big> to represent any one letter, <big><tt>*</tt></big> to represent zero or more arbitrary letters, or <big><tt>[<i>abc</i>]</tt></big> to represent any one of the letters <big><tt><i>abc</i></tt></big>. Matches Pickboard Letter sets Enter sets of letters here, seperated by spaces in the same way as the sets of letters appear at the bottom of the Pickboard. The list below will show the largest sets of words that could be typed ambiguously. This information helps you tune the letter sets for your dictionary. Longest ambiguities Edit words Editar palavras Add Adicionar Remove Remover This dictionary is read-only.