DrawPad Delete All Apagar Tudo Import Importar Import... Importar... Export Exportar Export... Exportar... Thumbnail View Thumbnail View... Page Information Page Information... Tools New Page Clear Page Delete Page Undo Redo First Page Previous Page Next Page Last Page Draw Point Draw Line Draw Rectangle Draw Filled Rectangle Draw Ellipse Draw Filled Ellipse Insert Text Fill Region Erase Point Pen Width Pen Color Fill Color Do you want to clear the current page? Yes No Do you want to delete the current page? DrawPad Page Do you want to delete all the pages? Anti-Aliasing ExportDialog DrawPad - Export Page Selection All Current Range To: Export As Name: Format: ImportDialog DrawPad - Import Automatic preview Preview NewPageDialog New Page General Title: Size Width: Height: Background White Pen Color Fill Color PageInformationDialog Page Information General Title: Date: Size Width: Height: QObject Title: Dimension: Date: TextToolDialog Insert Text ThumbnailView DrawPad - Thumbnail View Clear Page Do you want to clear the selected page? Yes No Delete Page Do you want to delete the selected page?