Calibration %1 Steps LightSettingsBase By sensing the ambient light where you are using your device, the screen light can be adjusted automatically. The brightness setting still affects the average brightness. A luz do ecrâ será ajustada automaticamente mediante a luz ambiente. O parametro do brilho afectará o brilho médio. Dim light after Reduzir brilho ao fim de Suspend after Suspender ao fim de Light off after Desligar luz ao fim de Off Desligar Light and Power Settings on Battery General Settings sec never Deactivate LCD only (does not suspend) Backlight set a fix value for backlight Full Use Light Sensor Calibrate Advanced settings for light sensor handling on AC Warnings Low power warning interval % At what battery level should the low power warning pop up how often should be checked for low power. This determines the rate popups occure in low power situations At what battery level should the critical power warning pop up very low battery warning at critical power warning at SensorBase Sensor Calibration Full Off Desligar Dark Light Steps Check interval sec