DictFilterConfig Adding Words To add words, pick the letters, then open the Add dialog. In that dialog, tap the correct letters from the list (tap twice for capitals). Add... InputMethods Pickboard Подбор клавиш PickboardAdd OK Cancel PickboardConfig <h1>The Pickboard</h1><i>The smallest and fastest way to type.</i><p>Enter a word by tapping letter-groups and picking the word.<br>Enter spaces with "Space", or other keys through "KEY".<br>Use "Shift" to capitalize words that are not normally capitalized.<br>Press "Shift" twice for an all-capitals word.<br>Add custom words by picking them, then selecting "Add..." from the menu on the right. Reset Help Pickboard Help PickboardPicks Space Back Enter Shift ABC DEF GHI JKL MNO PQR STU VWX YZ-' ABCÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇ DEFÐÈÉÊË GHIÌÍÎÏ JKL MNOÑÒÓÔÕÖØ PQRÞ STUßÙÚÛÜ VWX YZ-'Ýÿ KEY