Keys Ok Vredu Defaults Privzeto Cancel Prekliči Change Direction Keys Zamenjaj smerne tipke Undefined key Nedefinirana tipka Kpacman &New &Nova &Pause &Ustavi &Hall of fame &Hiša slave &Quit &Izhod &Hide Mousecursor &Skrij miškin kazalec &Select graphic scheme &Izberi grafično shemo &Pause in Background &Ustavi v ozadju &Continue in Foreground &Nadaljuj v ospredju Change &keys... Zamenjaj &tipke... @PACKAGE@ - @VERSION@ Joerg Thoennissen ( A pacman game for the KDE Desktop The program based on the source of ksnake by Michel Filippi ( The design was strongly influenced by the pacman (c) 1980 MIDWAY MFG.CO. I like to thank my girlfriend Elke Krueers for the last 10 years of her friendship. @PACKAGE@ - @VERSION@ Joerg Thoennissen ( Pacman za KDE namizje Program bazira na kodi od ksnake od Michel Filippi ( Na obliko je močno vplival pacman (c) 1980 MIDWAY MFG.CO. Rad bi se zahvalil svoji punci Elke Krueers za 10 letno prijateljstvo. &Help &Pomoč Configuration Error Napaka pri nastavitvah There are no schemes defined, or no scheme is selected. Nobena shema ni definirana ali pa ni nobena izbrana. KpacmanWidget The bitfont could not be contructed. The file '@FONTNAME@' does not exist, or is of an unknown format. Bitpisava ne more biti uporabljena. Datoteka '@FONTNAME@' ne obstaja ali pa je v neznani obliki. Referee GAME OVER KONEC IGRE PLAYER ONE IGRALEC ENA READY! PRIPRAVLJEN! PAUSED USTAVLJEN CHARACTER ZNAK / / NICKNAME VZDEVEK -SHADOW -SENCA "BLINKY" "UTRIPAJOČ" -SPEEDY -HITRI "PINKY" "ROŽNAT" -BASHFUL "INKY" -POKEY "CLYDE" QTOPIA PORT: CATALIN CLIMOV QTOPIA PORT: CATALIN CLIMOV PRESS CURSOR TO START PRITISNI SMERNO TIPKO ZA ZAČETEK Score 1UP HIGH SCORE NAJVIŠJE TOČKE 2UP CONGRATULATIONS ČESTITAM YOU HAVE ARCHIEVED DOSEGLI STE A SCORE IN THE TOP 10. TOČKE MED 10 NAJBOLJŠIMI. RNK SCORE NAME DATE PAUSED USTAVLJENA You're going to create the highscore-file '%1' for your maschine, that should be used systemwide. To grant access to the other users, set the appropriate rights (a+w) on that file or ask your systemadministator for that favor. To use a different directory or filename for the highscores,specify them in the configfile (kpacmanrc:highscoreFilePath). You're using a private highscore-file, that's mostly because of missing write-access to the systemwide file '%1' . Ask your systemadministrator for granting you access to that file, by setting the appropriate rights (a+w) on it. To use a different directory or filename for the highscores,specify them in the configfile (kpacmanrc:highscoreFilePath). @YY@/@MM@/@DD@ @DD@.@MM@.@YY@ Status The pixmap could not be contructed. The file '@PIXMAPNAME@' does not exist, or is of an unknown format. Initialization Error