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Edit Categories Uredi kategorije All Vse DateBookMonthHeader Show January in the selected year Show the previous month Show the next month Show December in the selected year FileSelector View Pogled Create a new Document Ustvari nov dokument Close the File Selector Zapri Izbiralca datotek Show documents of this type Document View Pogled dokumenta Show documents in this category Click to select a document from the list , or select <b>New Document</b> to create a new document. <br><br>Click and hold for document properties. FileSelectorView Name Ime There are no files in this directory. V tem imeniku ni datotek. FindDialog Find Išči FindWidget String Not Found. Niz ni najden. End reached, starting at beginning Prišel na konec, začenjam na začetku FindWidgetBase Find Išči Find what: Išči kaj: &Find &Najdi Category: Kategorija: Start Search at: Začni iskati: Dec 02 01 Dec 02 01 Case Sensitive Loči velike in male črke Search Backwards Išči nazaj LnkProperties Document View Pogled dokumenta Delete Izbriši File deletion failed. Izbris datoteke spodletel. Delete Icon and leave file Izbriši ikono in zapusti datoteko Icon deletion failed. Izbris ikone spodletel. Copy of Kopija Duplicate Duplikat File copy failed. Kopiranje datoteke spodletelo. Details Podrobnosti Moving Document failed. Premikanje dokumenta spodletelo. File does not exist. Datoteka ne obstaja. Hard Disk Trdi disk Properties LnkPropertiesBase Details Podrobnosti Comment: Komentar: Type: Tip: Name: Ime: Location: Lokacija: Fast load (consumes memory) Hitro nalaganje (vzame nekaj spomin) Delete Izbriši Del Icon Izbriši ikono Copy Kopiraj Beam Prežarči The media the document resides on. The name of this document. Preload this application so that it is available instantly. Delete this document. Make a copy of this document. Beam this document to another device. Use custom rotation OwnerDlg Owner Information Informacije o lastniku PasswordBase Form1 Obrazec1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 0 0 OK Vredu Enter passcode Vpiši geslo QObject Out of Space Zmanjkalo prostora There was a problem creating Configuration Information for this program. Please free up some space and try again. Prišlo je do problema pri ustvarjenju nastavitvene informacije za ta program. Prosim sprostite nekaj prostora in poizkusite ponovno. Unable to create start up files Please free up some space before entering data Ne morem ustvariti zagonskih datotek Prosim sprostite nekaj prostora preden vnašate podatke Unable to schedule alarm. Free some memory and try again. Ne morem izvršiti alarma. Sprostite nekaj spomina in poizkusite ponovno. D D M M Y L day dan month mesec year leto PM PM AM AM Mon Pon Tue Tor Wed Sre Thu Čet Fri Pet Sat Sob Sun Ned Are you sure you want to delete %1? Ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati %1? All vse Unfiled Neizpolnjeno <b>Work Address:</b> <b>Delovni naslov</b> <b>Home Address:</b> <b>Domači naslov:</b> Email Addresses: Epoštni naslovi: Home Phone: Domači telefon: Home Fax: Domači faks: Home Mobile: Domači mobitel: Home Web Page: Domača spletna stran: Business Web Page: Službena spletna stran: Office: Pisarna: Business Phone: Službeni telefon: Business Fax: Službeni faks: Business Mobile: Službeni mobitel: Business Pager: Službeni pager: Profession: Poklic: Assistant: Pomočnik: Manager: Upravnik: Male Moški Female Ženska Gender: Spol: Spouse: Sopotnik: Birthday: Rojstni dan: Anniversary: Obletnica: Nickname: Vzdevek: Name Title Imenski naziv First Name Ime Middle Name Medimek Last Name Priimek Suffix Pripona File As Datoteka kot Job Title Naziv službenega mesta Department Oddelek Company Podjetje Business Phone Službeni telefon Business Fax Službeni faks Business Mobile Službeni mobitel Default Email Privzeta Epošta Emails Epošta Home Phone Domači telefon Home Fax Domači faks Home Mobile Domači mobitel Business Street Ulica službe Business City Mesto službe Business State Okrožje službe Business Zip Službena poštna številka Business Country Država službe Business Pager Službeni pager Business WebPage Službena spletna stran Office Pisarna Profession Poklic Assistant Pomočnik Manager Upravnik Home Street Domač naslov Home City Domče mesto Home State Domače okrožje Home Zip Domača poštna številka Home Country Domača država Home Web Page Domača spletna stran Spouse Sopotnik Gender Spol Birthday Rojstni dan Anniversary Obletnica Nickname Vzdevek Children Otroci Notes Zapiski Groups Skupine New Document QPEApplication %1 document QPEDecoration <Qt>Comprehensive help is not available for this application, however there is context-sensitive help.<p>To use context-sensitive help:<p><ol><li>click and hold the help button.<li>when the title bar shows <b>What's this...</b>, click on any control.</ol></Qt> What's this... QPEManager Click to close this window, discarding changes. Click to close this window. Click to close this window and apply changes. Click to make this window moveable. Click to make this window use all available screen area. StorageInfo CF Card CF kartica Hard Disk Trdi disk SD Card SD kartica SCSI Hard Disk SCSI trdi disk Internal Storage Notranja shramba Internal Memory MMC Card TZCombo None TimeZoneSelector citytime executable not found In order to choose the time zones, please install citytime. TimerReceiverObject Out of Space Zmanjkalo prostora Unable to schedule alarm. Please free up space and try again Ne morem izvršiti alarma. Prosim sprostite malo prostora in poizkusite ponovno TypeCombo %1 files %1 %2 minor mimetype / major mimetype All %1 files All files