SoundSettings Restart To implement a new key switch Opie will have to be restarted./n<B>Restart</B> Opie now? Yes No Shows icon Hides icon SoundSettingsBase 11025 11025 22050 22050 44100 44100 Stereo Stereo 16 bit 16 bit Vmemo Settings Vmemo nastavitve 8000 8000 33075 33075 Visual Alerts Vizualni alarmi Taskbar Icon Ikona opravilne vrstice Key_Escape Tipka_escape Key_Space Tipka_presledek Key_Home Tipka_dom Key_Calender Tipka_koledar Key_Contacts Tipka_Kontakti Key_Menu Tipka_menu Key_Mail Tipka_pošta 30 30 20 20 15 15 10 10 5 5 Sample Rate: Vzorčna stopnja: Recording Directory: Snemalni imenik: Recording Key: Snemalna tipka: Recording Limit in seconds: Omejitev snemanja v sekundah: Unlimited Neomejeno Restart Opie if needed