FormatterApp Formatter FOO Storage Type FOO File Systems FOO Format FOO Main FOO CAUTION: Changing parameters on this page may cause your system to stop functioning properly!! FOO Edit fstab FOO Check Disk FOO Device FOO Mount Point FOO Advanced FOO Format?!? FOO Really format FOO with FOO filesystem?!? You will loose all data!! FOO Yes FOO No FOO Could not format. Unknown type FOO Ok FOO Formatter Output FOO Trying to umount. FOO umount failed! FOO &OK FOO Could not umount. Device is busy! FOO Trying to format. FOO No such device! FOO has been successfully formatted. FOO Trying to mount. FOO Card mount failed! FOO has been successfully mounted. FOO You can now close the output window. FOO Internal FOO Storage Type : FOO Total: %1 kB ( %d mB) FOO Used: %1 kB ( %d mB) FOO Available: %1 kB ( %d mB) FOO