LoadInfo Application CPU usage (%) System CPU usage (%) This page shows how much this device's processor is being used. Type: MemoryInfo This page shows how memory (i.e. RAM) is being allocated on your device. Memory is categorized as follows: 1. Used - memory used to by Opie and any running applications. 2. Buffers - temporary storage used to improve performance 3. Cached - information that has recently been used, but has not been freed yet. 4. Free - memory not currently used by Opie or any running applications. Total Memory: %1 kB Used (%1 kB) Buffers (%1 kB) Cached (%1 kB) Free (%1 kB) Total Swap: %1 kB MemoryStatus Memory Status Memory Swapfile <center><b>Memory Monitor Plugin</b><br>Copyright (C) 2003 Anton Maslovsky<br>&lt;<a href="mailto:my-zaurus@narod.ru">my-zaurus@narod.ru</a>&gt;<br><a href="http://my-zaurus.narod.ru">http://my-zaurus.narod.ru</a><br>Based on source code from:<br> qswap (udoseidel@gmx.de) <br> Battery Applet (trolltech.com) <br> SysInfo (OPIE)<br><br>This program is licensed under GNU GPL.</center> About Swapfile Swapfile location RAM CF Card SD Card On Off Manage Swapfile Generate Remove Failed to detach swapfile. Swapfile deactivated. Failed to create swapfile. Failed to initialize swapfile. Swapfile created. Failed to remove swapfile. Swapfile removed. Swapfile activated. 2 Mb,4 Mb,6 Mb,8 Mb,16 Mb,32 Mb,64 Mb