MediumMountSetting::MainWindow Medium Mount Settings FOO Global FOO MediumMountSetting::MediumGlobalWidget If a medium gets inserted into this device Opie tries to search the medium for Documents. On large mediums this can take some time. You can choose if Opie should scan for Documents globally or on a per medium level. You're also able to reconfigure each medium. FOO Enable medium checking FOO Use global settings FOO Which media files FOO Audio FOO All FOO Image FOO Text FOO Video FOO MediumMountSetting::MediumMountWidget Configure this medium. The changes will go into effect when the application gets closed. To update the Document Tab you need to remove and insert this medium. FOO Which media files FOO Audio FOO All FOO Image FOO Text FOO Video FOO Limit search to: FOO Add FOO Always check this medium FOO