ATConfigDialog Dialing parameter setup FOO Settings1 FOO Settings2 FOO Init string FOO Reset string FOO Dialing prefix #1 FOO Dialing suffix #1 FOO Dialing prefix #2 FOO Dialing suffix #2 FOO Dialing prefix #3 FOO Dialing suffix #3 FOO Connect string FOO Hang-up string FOO Dial time FOO Delay before redial FOO Number of tries FOO DTR drop time (0=no) FOO Auto bps detect FOO No FOO Yes FOO Modem has DCD line FOO Multi-line untag FOO BTConfigWidget Device FOO Or peer mac address FOO ConfigDialog Edit Connection Profile FOO New Connection FOO ConfigureBase Configure FOO Profile Name FOO &Add FOO &Edit FOO &Remove FOO ConsoleConfigWidget Command to execute FOO Environment Variables FOO Name FOO Value FOO Name : FOO Value : FOO Remove FOO Add FOO DialDialog Enter number FOO Enter the number you want to dial. When finished, press ok FOO EditBase Editor Base FOO Terminal Emulation: FOO IO Layer: FOO Look FOO Foreground: FOO Black FOO White FOO Gray FOO Background: FOO Font: FOO Micro FOO Small FOO Medium FOO FileReceive Could not start FOO FileTransfer Was not able to fork FOO Could not start FOO FunctionKeyboardConfig Dimensions FOO Edit Key FOO IOLayerBase Speed FOO Flow control FOO Hardware FOO Software FOO None FOO Parity FOO Odd FOO Even FOO Data Bits FOO 5 FOO 6 FOO 7 FOO 8 FOO Stop Bits FOO 1 FOO 1.5 FOO 2 FOO 115200 baud FOO 57600 baud FOO 38400 baud FOO 19200 baud FOO 9600 baud FOO IOSerial Not connected FOO Invalid baud rate FOO Device is already connected FOO IrdaConfigWidget Device FOO MainWindow Configure Profiles FOO New Connection FOO Save Connection FOO Connect FOO Disconnect FOO QuickLaunch FOO The shell button launches the "default" profile. If there is none default values are taken FOO Transfer file... FOO Line wrap FOO Full screen FOO Save history FOO Terminate FOO Close Window FOO Run Script FOO Record Script FOO Save Script FOO Open Keyboard... FOO New from Profile FOO Connection FOO Scripts FOO Copy FOO Paste FOO Script FOO <qt>There is no Connection.</qt> FOO History FOO New Profile FOO Save Profile ModemConfigWidget Modem is attached to: FOO Enter telefon number here: FOO AT commands FOO Enter number FOO NoOptions This Plugin does not support any configurations FOO ProfileEditorDialog Connection FOO Terminal FOO Auto connect after load FOO Local Console FOO New Profile FOO QObject Opie Console FOO Failed FOO Connecting failed for this session. FOO Session failed FOO <qt>Cannot open session: Not all components were found.</qt> FOO Transfer mode FOO Send FOO Receive FOO Send file FOO Transfer protocol FOO Progress FOO Status FOO Ready FOO Start transfer FOO Cancel FOO File transfer FOO Attention FOO No file has been specified. FOO Sending... FOO Receiving... FOO Cancelled FOO The file transfer has been cancelled. FOO Error FOO Operation not supported. FOO Transfer could not be started. FOO No error. FOO Undefined error occured. FOO Incomplete transfer. FOO Unknown error occured. FOO Sent FOO File has been sent. FOO Received FOO File has been received. FOO Profile name FOO Profile FOO Connection FOO Terminal FOO Special Keys FOO Invalid profile FOO Please enter a profile name. FOO Z-Modem FOO Y-Modem FOO X-Modem FOO Serial FOO Modem FOO Local Console FOO Default Terminal FOO Default Keyboard FOO SynchronizedFile FOO Dialing number: %1 FOO Failure FOO Dialing the number failed. FOO Cancelling... FOO Searching modem FOO Initializing... FOO Reset speakers FOO Turning off dialtone FOO Dial number FOO Line busy, redialing number FOO Connection established FOO Dismiss FOO SerialConfigWidget Device FOO TerminalWidget Terminal Type FOO Color scheme FOO Font size FOO small FOO medium FOO large FOO Line-break conversions FOO Inbound FOO Outbound FOO Options FOO Local echo FOO Line wrap FOO VT 100 FOO VT 102 FOO Linux Console FOO X-Terminal FOO black on white FOO white on black FOO green on black FOO orange on black FOO