Calibration %1 Steps %1 階 LightSettings Backlight && Contrast LightSettingsBase By sensing the ambient light where you are using your device, the screen light can be adjusted automatically. The brightness setting still affects the average brightness. 讓您的裝置發出背光, 螢幕背光是可以自動調整的. 亮度 設定值仍會影響平均的亮度. Dim light after 在此時間後調暗背光 Suspend after 在此時間後暫停 Light off after 在此時間後關閉背光 Off Light and Power Settings 背光與電源設定 on Battery 使用電池 General Settings 一般設定 sec never 永不 Deactivate LCD only (does not suspend) 只關閉 LCD (不使用暫停) Backlight 背光 set a fix value for backlight 設定背光的修正值 Full 全滿 Use Light Sensor 使用光線偵測器 Calibrate 校正 Advanced settings for light sensor handling 光線偵測器處理的進階設定 on AC 使用外部電源 Warnings 警告 Low power warning interval 低電量警告間隔 % % At what battery level should the low power warning pop up 電池電量低到什麼程度時要彈出低電量警告 how often should be checked for low power. This determines the rate popups occure in low power situations 檢查低電量的頻率. 這也決定了在低電量情形下彈出警告的頻率 At what battery level should the critical power warning pop up 電池電量低到什麼程度時要彈出極低電量警告 very low battery warning at 非常低電量警告於 critical power warning at 極低電量警告於 CPU Frequency set a fix value for contrast CPU frequency SensorBase Sensor Calibration 偵測器校正 Full 全滿 Off 關閉 Dark Light Steps 階級 Check interval 檢查間隔 sec