@default Reply 回覆 Reply All 回覆給所有人 Delete 刪除 AccountView Error creating new Folder <center>Error while creating<br>new folder - breaking.</center> AddressPicker There are no entries in the addressbook. Error <p>You have to select at least one address entry.</p> Ok AddressPickerUI Address Picker Ok Cancel 取消 ComposeMail Name 名稱 Size Problem <p>Please create an SMTP account first.</p> Ok Error <p>Please select a File.</p> Sending mail Store message Store message into drafts? Yes No <center>Attachments will not be stored in "Draft" folder</center> No Receiver specified ComposeMailUI Compose Message send later use: Mail 郵件 Subject 主旨 From To 收件者 Options Reply-To BCC Signature CC 副本 Attachment Delete File Add File Composer Form1 表單1 CC 副本 Subject 主旨 Cancel 取消 Reset 重設 Queue 佇列 Send 傳送 From: 寄件者: To: 收件者: EditAccounts Account Type Question <p>Do you really want to delete the selected Account?</p> Yes No Error <p>Please select an account.</p> Ok EditAccountsUI Configure Accounts Mail 郵件 Delete 刪除 New Name of the Account Edit News IMAPconfigUI Configure IMAP User 使用者 Password 密碼 Port 連接埠 Server 伺服器 Name of the Account Account Prefix ssh $SERVER exec Use secure sockets: MailviewerApp View 檢視 Compose 撰寫 Settings 設定值 Mail 郵件 Mailboxes 信件匣 Configure OpieMail 設定 Opie郵件 MainWindow Mail 郵件 Settings 設定值 Compose new mail Send queued mails Show/Hide folders Delete Mail Edit settings Configure accounts Mailbox Subject 主旨 Sender 寄件者 Size Date 日期 NNTPGroupsDlg Subscribed newsgroups NNTPGroupsUI newsgroupslist Newsgroups List of groups from the server. On start, only subscribed groups are listed. Groupfilter: Get newsgroup list from server Retrieve the list of groups from server Enter a filter string here. Then hit "get newsgroup list" again and only groups starting with that filter will be listed. NNTPconfigUI Configure NNTP Port 連接埠 Name of the Account Account Server 伺服器 Use SSL User 使用者 Password 密碼 Use Login Groups Newsgroup Get newsgroup list from server Newmdirdlgui Enter directory name Directory name: Directory contains other subdirs OpieMail Info Mail queue flushed Delete Mail <p>Do you really want to delete this mail? <br><br> Read this mail Delete this mail Copy/Move this mail Error creating new Folder <center>Error while creating<br>new folder - breaking.</center> Define a smtp account first Read this posting Edit this mail OpieMailConfig OpieMail Config Opie郵件 組態 Folders 資料夾 &Add 新增(&A) &Modify 修改(&M) &Delete 刪除(&D) Folder name 資料夾名稱 Identity 身分識別 Transport 傳輸 Input 輸入 Name 名稱 Folder 資料夾 User 使用者 Server 伺服器 Protocol 通訊協定 Output 輸出 OpieMailConfigImpl Delete mailbox 刪除信件匣 Delete the mailbox? All mails will be deleted. 刪除此信件匣? 所有的郵件都會被刪除. OpieMailFolder OpieMail Folder Config Opie郵件 資料夾組態 Description: 描述: Name: 名稱: OpieMailIdenty OpieMail Identity - Config Opie郵件 身分識別 - 組態 Signature: 簽名檔: Identity: 身分識別: Name: 名稱: Organization: 組織: EMail: 電子郵件: Reply To 回覆給 Use for sending 用於傳送 OpieMailInputConfig OpieMailInput Open郵件輸入 Name: 名稱: Server: 伺服器: Protocol 通訊協定 Destination Folder 目的資料夾 Username: 使用者名稱: Password 密碼 Port 連接埠 110 110 Enable intervall checking. 啟用郵件通知. Check every: 檢查於每: minutes 分鐘 &Delete mail from server when deleted local. 當刪除本機郵件時也將它從伺服器上刪除(&D). &Keep Mail on Server 保留伺服器上的郵件(&K) OpieMailOutputConfig OpieMailOutPut Opie郵件輸出 Name: 名稱: Protocol 通訊協定 Server: 伺服器: Username: 使用者名稱: Password 密碼 Server requires authentication 伺服器需要驗證 Port 連接埠 25 25 POP3configUI Configure POP3 Account Name of the Account Server 伺服器 Port 連接埠 Use secure sockets: ssh $SERVER exec imapd User 使用者 Password 密碼 ask before downloading large mails Large mail size (kb): kB QMailView Subject 主旨 To 收件者 Sender 寄件者 Date 日期 (Re)edit (重新)編輯 Copy To 複製到 Move To 移動到 SMTPconfigUI Configure SMTP Account Use Login Name of the Account Name of the SMTP Server Password 密碼 Port 連接埠 Server 伺服器 Port of the SMTP Server User 使用者 Use secure sockets: ssh $SERVER exec SelectMailTypeUI Select Type Select Account Type IMAP POP3 SMTP SettingsDialogUI Settings Dialog View Mail View mail as Html Compose Mail Send mails later ( enqueue in outbox ) Taskbar Applet Disable Taskbar Applet min Check how often Blink Led when new mails arrive Play Sound when new mails arrive SplitterWidgetBase Form1 表單1 StatusWidgetUI Form1 表單1 TextLabel1 ViewMail Show Text Save Attachment From To 收件者 Cc Date 日期 Error <p>The mail body is not yet downloaded, so you cannot reply yet. Ok <p>The mail body is not yet downloaded, so you cannot forward yet. Delete Mail <p>Do you really want to delete this mail? <br><br> Display image preview E-Mail by %1 ViewMailBase Mail 郵件 Reply 回覆 Forward Attachments Show Html Delete Mail Description Filename Size E-Mail view selectsmtp Select SMTP Account selectstoreui Select target box <b>Store mail(s) to</b> Folder: Account: Create new folder Prefix will prepend, no need to enter it! Move mail(s)