Today Today 今日 Owned by 所有人 Please fill out the business card 請填入個人名片資料 No plugins found 找不到plugins No plugins activated plugins未啟動 Click here to launch the associated app 按此處啟動聯結的應用程式 TodayBase Today 今日 Today by Maximilian Reiß Today By Maximilian Reiß Click here to get to the config dialog 按此處啟動設定對話視窗 TodayConfig Load which plugins in what order: 載入及順序設定 Move Up 上移 Move Down 下移 active/order 啟動/順序 autostart on resume? (Opie only) Resume後 自動啟動? (OPie only) minutes inactive 休眠分鐘數 Misc 其他 Check this if today should be autostarted on resume. 打勾開啟喚醒時自動啟動「今日」功能 How many minutes has the PDA been suspended before the autostart feature kicks in on resume 休眠幾分鐘後才打開喚醒時自動啟動功能 Icon size 圖示大小 Set the icon size in pixel 設定圖示的像素點數 Refresh 更新內容 How often should Today refresh itself 「今日」多久自動更新一次內容 sec never 永不 Check a checkbox to activate/deactivate a plugin or use the arrow buttons on the right to change the appearance order 勾選要啟動的plugins,並用右側的上下箭頭來調整顯示順序 Today Config TodayConfigMiscBase Form1 Check this if today should be autostarted on resume. 打勾開啟喚醒時自動啟動「今日」功能 autostart on resume? tiny banner Have small banner min How many minutes has the PDA been suspended before the autostart feature kicks in on resume 休眠幾分鐘後才打開喚醒時自動啟動功能 minutes inactive 休眠分鐘數 pixel Set the icon size in pixel 設定圖示的像素點數 icon size sec never 永不 How often should Today refresh itself 「今日」多久自動更新一次內容 refresh