/* * Class to manage the Contacts. * * Copyright (c) 2002 by Stefan Eilers (Eilers.Stefan@epost.de) * Copyright (c) 2002 by Holger Freyther (zecke@handhelds.org) * * ===================================================================== * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * ===================================================================== * ToDo: Define enum for query settings * ===================================================================== * Version: $Id$ * ===================================================================== * History: * $Log$ * Revision 1.4 2002/11/01 15:10:42 eilers * Added regExp-search in database for all fields in a contact. * * Revision 1.3 2002/10/16 10:52:40 eilers * Added some docu to the interface and now using the cache infrastucture by zecke.. :) * * Revision 1.2 2002/10/14 16:21:54 eilers * Some minor interface updates * * Revision 1.1 2002/09/27 17:11:44 eilers * Added API for accessing the Contact-Database ! It is compiling, but * please do not expect that anything is working ! * I will debug that stuff in the next time .. * Please read README_COMPILE for compiling ! * * ===================================================================== */ #ifndef _OCONTACTACCESS_H #define _OCONTACTACCESS_H #include <qobject.h> #include <qpe/qcopenvelope_qws.h> #include <qvaluelist.h> #include <qfileinfo.h> #include "ocontact.h" #include "ocontactaccessbackend.h" #include "opimaccesstemplate.h" /** Class to access the contacts database. * This is just a frontend for the real database handling which is * done by the backend. * @see OPimAccessTemplate */ class OContactAccess: public QObject, public OPimAccessTemplate<OContact> { Q_OBJECT public: /** Create Database with contacts (addressbook). * @param appname Name of application which wants access to the database * (i.e. "todolist") * @param filename The name of the database file. If not set, the default one * is used. * @param backend Pointer to an alternative Backend. If not set, we will use * the default backend. * @param handlesync If <b>true</b> the database stores the current state * automatically if it receives the signals <i>flush()</i> and <i>reload()</i> * which are used before and after synchronisation. If the application wants * to react itself, it should be disabled by setting it to <b>false</b> * @see OContactAccessBackend */ OContactAccess (const QString appname, const QString filename = 0l, OContactAccessBackend* backend = 0l, bool handlesync = true); ~OContactAccess (); /** Constants for query. * Use this constants to set the query parameters. * Note: <i>query_IgnoreCase</i> just make sense with one of the other attributes ! * @see queryByExample() */ enum QuerySettings { WildCards = 0x0001, IgnoreCase = 0x0002, RegExp = 0x0004, ExactMatch = 0x0008, MatchOne = 0x0010 // Only one Entry must match }; ORecordList<OContact> matchRegexp( const QRegExp &r )const; /** Return all possible settings. * @return All settings provided by the current backend * (i.e.: query_WildCards & query_IgnoreCase) */ const uint querySettings(); /** Check whether settings are correct. * @return <i>true</i> if the given settings are correct and possible. */ bool hasQuerySettings ( int querySettings ) const; /** * if the resource was changed externally. * You should use the signal instead of polling possible changes ! */ bool wasChangedExternally()const; /** Save contacts database. * Save is more a "commit". After calling this function, all changes are public available. * @return true if successful */ bool save(); signals: /* Signal is emitted if the database was changed. Therefore * we may need to reload to stay consistent. * @param which Pointer to the database who created this event. This pointer * is useful if an application has to handle multiple databases at the same time. * @see reload() */ void signalChanged ( const OContactAccess *which ); private: // class OContactAccessPrivate; // OContactAccessPrivate* d; OContactAccessBackend *m_backEnd; bool m_loading:1; private slots: void copMessage( const QCString &msg, const QByteArray &data ); }; #endif