/*                 This file is part of the Opie Project =. Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Michael 'Mickey' Lauer .=l. Copyright (C) The Opie Team          .>+-= _;:,     .>    :=|. This program is free software; you can .> <`_,   >  .   <= redistribute it and/or modify it under :`=1 )Y*s>-.--   : the terms of the GNU Library General Public .="- .-=="i,     .._ License as published by the Free Software - .   .-<_>     .<> Foundation; version 2 of the License.    ._= =}       :   .%`+i>       _;_.   .i_,=:_.      -`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ..}^=.=       =       ; Library General Public License for more ++=   -.     .`     .: details. :     =  ...= . :.=- -.   .:....=;==+<; You should have received a copy of the GNU -_. . .   )=.  = Library General Public License along with   --        :-=` this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef OFILENOTIFY_H #define OFILENOTIFY_H #if defined (__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 3) #define _GNU_SOURCE #endif #include "linux_inotify.h" /* QT */ #include #include #include #include #include namespace Opie { namespace Core { class OFile : public QObject, public QFile { Q_OBJECT public: OFile(); OFile( const QString & name ); virtual ~OFile(); protected: virtual void connectNotify( const char* signal ); virtual void disconnectNotify( const char* signal ); private: int startWatch( int mode ); signals: void accessed( const QString& ); void modified( const QString& ); void attributed( const QString& ); void closed( const QString&, bool ); void opened( const QString& ); void deleted( const QString& ); void unmounted( const QString& ); }; /* void movedTo( const QString&, const QString& ); void movedFrom( const QString&, const QString& ); void deletedSubdir( const QString&, const QString& ); void deletedFile( const QString&, const QString& ); void createdSubdir( const QString&, const QString& ); void createdFile( const QString&, const QString& ); */ class OFileNotificationEvent; /*====================================================================================== * OFileNotificationType *======================================================================================*/ /** * @brief An enumerate for the different types of file notifications * * This enumerate provides a means to specify the type of events that you are interest in. * Valid values are: *
  • Access: The file was accessed (read) *
  • Modify The file was modified (write,truncate) *
  • Attrib = The file had its attributes changed (chmod,chown,chgrp) *
  • CloseWrite = Writable file was closed *
  • CloseNoWrite = Unwritable file was closed *
  • Open = File was opened *
  • MovedFrom = File was moved from X *
  • MovedTo = File was moved to Y *
  • DeleteSubdir = Subdir was deleted *
  • DeleteFile = Subfile was deleted *
  • CreateSubdir = Subdir was created *
  • CreateFile = Subfile was created *
  • DeleteSelf = Self was deleted *
  • Unmount = The backing filesystem was unmounted *
* **/ enum OFileNotificationType { Access = IN_ACCESS, Modify = IN_MODIFY, Attrib = IN_ATTRIB, CloseWrite = IN_CLOSE_WRITE, CloseNoWrite = IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE, Open = IN_OPEN, MovedFrom = IN_MOVED_FROM, MovedTo = IN_MOVED_TO, DeleteSubdir = IN_DELETE_SUBDIR, DeleteFile = IN_DELETE_FILE, CreateSubdir = IN_CREATE_SUBDIR, CreateFile = IN_CREATE_FILE, DeleteSelf = IN_DELETE_SELF, Unmount = IN_UNMOUNT, _QueueOverflow = IN_Q_OVERFLOW, /* Internal, don't use this in client code */ _Ignored = IN_IGNORED, /* Internal, don't use this in client code */ }; /*====================================================================================== * OFileNotification *======================================================================================*/ /** * @brief Represents a file notification * * This class allows to watch for events happening to files. * It uses the inotify linux (2.6.x) kernel interface. * * @see http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/rml/inotify/ * * @author Michael 'Mickey' Lauer * **/ class OFileNotification : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: OFileNotification( QObject* parent = 0, const char* name = 0 ); ~OFileNotification(); /** * This static function calls a slot when an event with @a type happens to file @a path. * * It is very convenient to use this function because you do not need to * bother with a timerEvent or to create a local QTimer object. * * Example: *
     *     #include 
     *     #include 
     *     using namespace Opie::Core;
     *     int main( int argc, char **argv )
     *     {
     *         OApplication a( argc, argv, "File Notification Example" );
     *         OFileNotification::singleShot( "/tmp/quit", &a, SLOT(quit()), Access );
     *         ... // create and show your widgets
     *         return a.exec();
     *     }
* * This sample program automatically terminates when the file "/tmp/quit" has been accessed. * * * The @a receiver is the receiving object and the @a member is the slot. **/ static bool singleShot( const QString& path, QObject* receiver, const char* member, OFileNotificationType type = Modify ); /** * Starts to watch for @a type changes to @a path. Set @a sshot to True if you want to be notified only once. * Note that in that case it may be more convenient to use @ref OFileNotification::singleShot() then. **/ int watch( const QString& path, bool sshot = false, OFileNotificationType type = Modify ); /** * Stop watching for file events. **/ void stop(); /** * @returns the notification type as set by @ref start(). **/ OFileNotificationType type() const; /** * @returns the path to the file being watched by this instance. **/ QString path() const; /** * @returns if a file is currently being watched. **/ bool isActive() const; /** * @internal */ int startWatching( const QString& path, bool sshot = false, OFileNotificationType type = Modify ); signals: void triggered( const QString&, unsigned int, const QString& ); void accessed( const QString& ); void modified( const QString& ); void attributed( const QString& ); void closed( const QString&, bool ); void opened( const QString& ); void movedTo( const QString&, const QString& ); void movedFrom( const QString&, const QString& ); void deletedSubdir( const QString&, const QString& ); void deletedFile( const QString&, const QString& ); void createdSubdir( const QString&, const QString& ); void createdFile( const QString&, const QString& ); void deleted( const QString& ); void unmounted( const QString& ); protected: bool activate( const OFileNotificationEvent* e ); private slots: void inotifyEventHandler(); private: bool registerEventHandler(); void unregisterEventHandler(); QString _path; OFileNotificationType _type; QSignal _signal; bool _active; bool _multi; static QSocketNotifier* _sn; int _wd; // inotify watch descriptor static int _fd; // inotify device descriptor friend class OFileNotificationEvent; }; /*====================================================================================== * ODirNotification *======================================================================================*/ /** * @brief Represents a directory notification * * This class allows to watch for events happening to directories * It uses the OFileNotification class * * @see http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/rml/inotify/ * * @author Michael 'Mickey' Lauer * **/ class ODirNotification : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: ODirNotification( QObject* parent = 0, const char* name = 0 ); ~ODirNotification(); /** * Starts to watch for @a type changes to @a path. Recurse @a recurse levels down the filesystem tree, * use 0 for no recursion and -1 for unlimited recursion. * Set @a sshot to True if you want to be notified only once. **/ int watch( const QString& path, bool sshot = false, OFileNotificationType type = Modify, int recurse = 0 ); signals: /** * This signal is emitted if an event happens of the specified type happens to the directory being watched. **/ void triggered( const QString&, unsigned int, const QString& ); void accessed( const QString& ); void modified( const QString& ); void attributed( const QString& ); void closed( const QString&, bool ); void opened( const QString& ); void movedTo( const QString&, const QString& ); void movedFrom( const QString&, const QString& ); void deletedSubdir( const QString&, const QString& ); void deletedFile( const QString&, const QString& ); void createdSubdir( const QString&, const QString& ); void createdFile( const QString&, const QString& ); void deleted( const QString& ); void unmounted( const QString& ); }; /*====================================================================================== * OFileNotificationEvent *======================================================================================*/ class OFileNotificationEvent { public: OFileNotificationEvent( OFileNotification* parent, int wd, unsigned int mask, unsigned int cookie, const QString& name ); ~OFileNotificationEvent(); OFileNotification* parent() const { return _parent; }; int descriptor() const { return _wd; }; unsigned int mask() const { return _mask; }; unsigned int cookie() const { return _cookie; }; QString name() const { return _name; }; void activate() { _parent->activate( this ); }; private: OFileNotification* _parent; int _wd; unsigned int _mask; unsigned int _cookie; QString _name; }; } } #endif