TEMPLATE = lib CONFIG += qt warn_on DESTDIR = $(OPIEDIR)/lib HEADERS = oapplication.h \ oconfig.h \ odebug.h \ oglobal.h \ oglobalsettings.h \ okeyconfigmanager.h \ okeyfilter.h \ opluginloader.h \ oprocess.h \ oprocctrl.h \ osharedpointer.h \ osmartpointer.h \ ostorageinfo.h \ xmltree.h SOURCES = oapplication.cpp \ oconfig.cpp \ odebug.cpp \ oglobal.cpp \ oglobalsettings.cpp \ okeyconfigmanager.cpp \ okeyfilter.cpp \ opluginloader.cpp \ oprocess.cpp \ oprocctrl.cpp \ osmartpointer.cpp \ ostorageinfo.cpp \ xmltree.cpp # The following files are currently not compileable on mac ! # Therfore I removed them from the build .. (eilers) CONFTEST = $$system( echo $CONFIG_TARGET_MACOSX ) !contains( CONFTEST, y ) { HEADERS += ofilenotify.h SOURCES += ofilenotify.cpp } else { message( "ofilenotify is not available in a mac build !" ) } include( device/device.pro ) INTERFACES = TARGET = opiecore2 VERSION = 1.9.1 INCLUDEPATH += $(OPIEDIR)/include DEPENDPATH += $(OPIEDIR)/include !contains( platform, x11 ) { LIBS = -lqpe include( $(OPIEDIR)/include.pro ) } contains( platform, x11 ) { LIBS = -L$(OPIEDIR)/lib -Wl,-rpath,$(OPIEDIR)/lib }