#ifndef OSQL_TABLE_H
#define OSQL_TABLE_H

#include <qstring.h>
#include <qvaluelist.h>
#include <qvariant.h>

namespace Opie {
namespace DB {
 * OSQLTableItem saves one column of a complete
 * table
class OSQLTableItem {
    typedef QValueList<OSQLTableItem> ValueList;
     * Type kinds ( to be extended )
    enum Type { Undefined=-1, Integer=0, BigInteger =1,
                Float = 2, VarChar = 4 };
     * A constructor
     * @param type the Type of the Column
     * @param fieldName the Name of the Column
     * @param var a Variant
    OSQLTableItem( enum Type type,
                   const QString& fieldName,
                   const QVariant& var= QVariant() );

     * copy c'tor
    OSQLTableItem( const OSQLTableItem& );

     * d'tor

    OSQLTableItem& operator=( const OSQLTableItem& );

     * the fieldName
    QString fieldName() const;

     * the field Type
    Type type() const;
    QVariant more() const;
    class OSQLTableItemPrivate;
    OSQLTableItemPrivate* d;
    Type m_type;
    QString m_field;
    QVariant m_var;

 * A OSQLTable consists of OSQLTableItems
class OSQLTable  {
    typedef QValueList<OSQLTable> ValueList;

     * @param tableName the Name of the Table
    OSQLTable(const QString& tableName);

     * d'tor

     * setColumns sets the Columns of the Table
    void setColumns( const OSQLTableItem::ValueList& );

     * returns all columns of the table
    OSQLTableItem::ValueList columns() const;

    QString tableName()const;

    QString m_table;
    OSQLTableItem::ValueList m_list;
    class Private;
    Private *d;

