/* This file is part of the KDE libraries Copyright (C) 2000 David Faure , Alexander Neundorf 2000, 2002 Carsten Pfeiffer This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* QT */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* OPIE */ #include #include #include #include /* UNIX */ #include /*====================================================================================== * OEditListBoxPrivate *======================================================================================*/ class OEditListBoxPrivate { public: bool m_checkAtEntering; int buttons; }; /*====================================================================================== * OEditListBox *======================================================================================*/ OEditListBox::OEditListBox(QWidget *parent, const char *name, bool checkAtEntering, int buttons ) :QGroupBox(parent, name ) { init( checkAtEntering, buttons ); } OEditListBox::OEditListBox(const QString& title, QWidget *parent, const char *name, bool checkAtEntering, int buttons) :QGroupBox(title, parent, name ) { init( checkAtEntering, buttons ); } OEditListBox::OEditListBox(const QString& title, const CustomEditor& custom, QWidget *parent, const char *name, bool checkAtEntering, int buttons) :QGroupBox(title, parent, name ) { m_lineEdit = custom.lineEdit(); init( checkAtEntering, buttons, custom.representationWidget() ); } OEditListBox::~OEditListBox() { delete d; d=0; } void OEditListBox::init( bool checkAtEntering, int buttons, QWidget *representationWidget ) { d=new OEditListBoxPrivate; d->m_checkAtEntering=checkAtEntering; d->buttons = buttons; int lostButtons = 0; if ( (buttons & Add) == 0 ) lostButtons++; if ( (buttons & Remove) == 0 ) lostButtons++; if ( (buttons & UpDown) == 0 ) lostButtons += 2; servNewButton = servRemoveButton = servUpButton = servDownButton = 0L; setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding)); QWidget * gb = this; QGridLayout * grid = new QGridLayout(gb, 7 - lostButtons, 2, ODialog::marginHint(), ODialog::spacingHint()); grid->addRowSpacing(0, fontMetrics().lineSpacing()); for ( int i = 1; i < 7 - lostButtons; i++ ) grid->setRowStretch(i, 1); grid->setMargin(15); if ( representationWidget ) representationWidget->reparent( gb, QPoint(0,0) ); else m_lineEdit=new OLineEdit(gb); m_listBox = new QListBox(gb); QWidget *editingWidget = representationWidget ? representationWidget : m_lineEdit; grid->addMultiCellWidget(editingWidget,1,1,0,1); grid->addMultiCellWidget(m_listBox, 2, 6 - lostButtons, 0, 0); int row = 2; if ( buttons & Add ) { servNewButton = new QPushButton(tr("&Add"), gb); servNewButton->setEnabled(false); connect(servNewButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(addItem())); grid->addWidget(servNewButton, row++, 1); } if ( buttons & Remove ) { servRemoveButton = new QPushButton(tr("&Remove"), gb); servRemoveButton->setEnabled(false); connect(servRemoveButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(removeItem())); grid->addWidget(servRemoveButton, row++, 1); } if ( buttons & UpDown ) { servUpButton = new QPushButton(tr("Move &Up"), gb); servUpButton->setEnabled(false); connect(servUpButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(moveItemUp())); servDownButton = new QPushButton(tr("Move &Down"), gb); servDownButton->setEnabled(false); connect(servDownButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(moveItemDown())); grid->addWidget(servUpButton, row++, 1); grid->addWidget(servDownButton, row++, 1); } connect(m_lineEdit,SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)),this,SLOT(typedSomething(const QString&))); m_lineEdit->setTrapReturnKey(true); connect(m_lineEdit,SIGNAL(returnPressed()),this,SLOT(addItem())); connect(m_listBox, SIGNAL(highlighted(int)), SLOT(enableMoveButtons(int))); // maybe supplied lineedit has some text already typedSomething( m_lineEdit->text() ); } void OEditListBox::typedSomething(const QString& text) { if(currentItem() >= 0) { if(currentText() != m_lineEdit->text()) { // IMHO changeItem() shouldn't do anything with the value // of currentItem() ... like changing it or emitting signals ... // but TT disagree with me on this one (it's been that way since ages ... grrr) bool block = m_listBox->signalsBlocked(); m_listBox->blockSignals( true ); m_listBox->changeItem(text, currentItem()); m_listBox->blockSignals( block ); emit changed(); } } if ( !servNewButton ) return; if (!d->m_checkAtEntering) servNewButton->setEnabled(!text.isEmpty()); else { if (text.isEmpty()) { servNewButton->setEnabled(false); } else { #if QT_VERSION > 290 StringComparisonMode mode = (StringComparisonMode) (ExactMatch | CaseSensitive ); bool enable = (m_listBox->findItem( text, mode ) == 0L); #else bool enable = (m_listBox->findItem( text ) == 0L); #endif servNewButton->setEnabled( enable ); } } } void OEditListBox::moveItemUp() { if (!m_listBox->isEnabled()) { //ONotifyClient::beep(); return; } unsigned int selIndex = m_listBox->currentItem(); if (selIndex == 0) { //ONotifyClient::beep(); return; } QListBoxItem *selItem = m_listBox->item(selIndex); m_listBox->takeItem(selItem); m_listBox->insertItem(selItem, selIndex-1); m_listBox->setCurrentItem(selIndex - 1); emit changed(); } void OEditListBox::moveItemDown() { if (!m_listBox->isEnabled()) { //ONotifyClient::beep(); return; } unsigned int selIndex = m_listBox->currentItem(); if (selIndex == m_listBox->count() - 1) { //ONotifyClient::beep(); return; } QListBoxItem *selItem = m_listBox->item(selIndex); m_listBox->takeItem(selItem); m_listBox->insertItem(selItem, selIndex+1); m_listBox->setCurrentItem(selIndex + 1); emit changed(); } void OEditListBox::addItem() { // when m_checkAtEntering is true, the add-button is disabled, but this // slot can still be called through Key_Return/Key_Enter. So we guard // against this. if ( !servNewButton || !servNewButton->isEnabled() ) return; const QString& currentTextLE=m_lineEdit->text(); bool alreadyInList(false); //if we didn't check for dupes at the inserting we have to do it now if (!d->m_checkAtEntering) { // first check current item instead of dumb iterating the entire list if ( m_listBox->currentText() == currentTextLE ) alreadyInList = true; else { #if QT_VERSION > 290 StringComparisonMode mode = (StringComparisonMode) (ExactMatch | CaseSensitive ); alreadyInList =(m_listBox->findItem(currentTextLE, mode) != 0); #else alreadyInList =(m_listBox->findItem(currentTextLE) != 0); #endif } } if ( servNewButton ) servNewButton->setEnabled(false); bool block = m_lineEdit->signalsBlocked(); m_lineEdit->blockSignals(true); m_lineEdit->clear(); m_lineEdit->blockSignals(block); m_listBox->setSelected(currentItem(), false); if (!alreadyInList) { block = m_listBox->signalsBlocked(); m_listBox->blockSignals( true ); m_listBox->insertItem(currentTextLE); m_listBox->blockSignals( block ); emit changed(); emit added( currentTextLE ); } } int OEditListBox::currentItem() const { int nr = m_listBox->currentItem(); #if QT_VERSION > 290 if(nr >= 0 && !m_listBox->item(nr)->isSelected()) return -1; #else if(nr >= 0 && !m_listBox->isSelected(m_listBox->item(nr))) return -1; #endif return nr; } void OEditListBox::removeItem() { int selected = m_listBox->currentItem(); if ( selected >= 0 ) { QString removedText = m_listBox->currentText(); m_listBox->removeItem( selected ); if ( count() > 0 ) m_listBox->setSelected( QMIN( selected, count() - 1 ), true ); emit changed(); emit removed( removedText ); } if ( servRemoveButton && m_listBox->currentItem() == -1 ) servRemoveButton->setEnabled(false); } void OEditListBox::enableMoveButtons(int index) { // Update the lineEdit when we select a different line. if(currentText() != m_lineEdit->text()) m_lineEdit->setText(currentText()); bool moveEnabled = servUpButton && servDownButton; if (moveEnabled ) { if (m_listBox->count() <= 1) { servUpButton->setEnabled(false); servDownButton->setEnabled(false); } else if ((uint) index == (m_listBox->count() - 1)) { servUpButton->setEnabled(true); servDownButton->setEnabled(false); } else if (index == 0) { servUpButton->setEnabled(false); servDownButton->setEnabled(true); } else { servUpButton->setEnabled(true); servDownButton->setEnabled(true); } } if ( servRemoveButton ) servRemoveButton->setEnabled(true); } void OEditListBox::clear() { m_lineEdit->clear(); m_listBox->clear(); emit changed(); } void OEditListBox::insertStringList(const QStringList& list, int index) { m_listBox->insertStringList(list,index); } void OEditListBox::insertStrList(const QStrList* list, int index) { m_listBox->insertStrList(list,index); } void OEditListBox::insertStrList(const QStrList& list, int index) { m_listBox->insertStrList(list,index); } void OEditListBox::insertStrList(const char ** list, int numStrings, int index) { m_listBox->insertStrList(list,numStrings,index); } QStringList OEditListBox::items() const { QStringList list; for ( uint i = 0; i < m_listBox->count(); i++ ) list.append( m_listBox->text( i )); return list; } void OEditListBox::virtual_hook( int, void* ) { /*BASE::virtual_hook( id, data );*/ } /*====================================================================================== * CustomEditor *======================================================================================*/ OEditListBox::CustomEditor::CustomEditor( OComboBox *combo ) { m_representationWidget = combo; assert( combo->lineEdit()->inherits( "OLineEdit" ) ); m_lineEdit = static_cast( combo->lineEdit() ); }