/********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2001 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "categoryedit_p.h" #include <qpe/categories.h> #include <qdir.h> #include <qcheckbox.h> #include <qlineedit.h> #include <qlistview.h> #include <qstringlist.h> #include <qtoolbutton.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace Qtopia; class CategoryEditPrivate { public: CategoryEditPrivate( QWidget *parent, const QString &appName ) : mCategories( parent, "" ), mStrApp( appName ) { editItem = 0; mCategories.load( categoryFileName() ); } Categories mCategories; QListViewItem *editItem; QString mStrApp; QString mVisible; }; CategoryEdit::CategoryEdit( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : CategoryEditBase( parent, name ) { d = 0; } CategoryEdit::CategoryEdit( const QArray<int> &recCats, const QString &appName, const QString &visibleName, QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : CategoryEditBase( parent, name ) { d = 0; setCategories( recCats, appName, visibleName ); } void CategoryEdit::setCategories( const QArray<int> &recCats, const QString &appName, const QString &visibleName ) { if ( !d ) d = new CategoryEditPrivate( (QWidget*)parent(), name() ); d->mStrApp = appName; d->mVisible = visibleName; QStringList appCats = d->mCategories.labels( d->mStrApp ); QArray<int> cats = d->mCategories.ids(d->mStrApp, appCats); lvView->clear(); QStringList::ConstIterator it; int i, j; for ( i = 0, it = appCats.begin(); it != appCats.end(); i++, ++it ) { QCheckListItem *chk; chk = new QCheckListItem( lvView, (*it), QCheckListItem::CheckBox ); if ( !d->mCategories.isGlobal((*it)) ) chk->setText( 1, tr(d->mVisible) ); else chk->setText( 1, tr("All") ); // Is this record using this category, then we should check it for ( j = 0; j < int(recCats.count()); j++ ) { if ( cats[i] == recCats[j] ) { chk->setOn( true ); break; } } } lvView->setSorting( 0, TRUE ); lvView->sort(); if ( lvView->childCount() < 1 ) txtCat->setEnabled( FALSE ); else { lvView->setSelected( lvView->firstChild(), true ); } } CategoryEdit::~CategoryEdit() { if ( d ) delete d; } void CategoryEdit::slotSetText( QListViewItem *selected ) { d->editItem = selected; if ( !d->editItem ) return; txtCat->setText( d->editItem->text(0) ); txtCat->setEnabled( true ); if ( d->editItem->text(1) == tr("All") ) chkGlobal->setChecked( true ); else chkGlobal->setChecked( false ); } void CategoryEdit::slotAdd() { QString name = tr( "New Category" ); bool insertOk = FALSE; int num = 0; while ( !insertOk ) { if ( num++ > 0 ) name = tr("New Category ") + QString::number(num); insertOk = d->mCategories.addCategory( d->mStrApp, name ); } QCheckListItem *chk; chk = new QCheckListItem( lvView, name, QCheckListItem::CheckBox ); if ( !chkGlobal->isChecked() ) chk->setText( 1, tr(d->mVisible) ); else chk->setText( 1, tr("All") ); lvView->setSelected( chk, TRUE ); txtCat->selectAll(); txtCat->setFocus(); } void CategoryEdit::slotRemove() { d->editItem = lvView->selectedItem(); if ( d->editItem ) { QListViewItem *sibling = d->editItem->nextSibling(); d->mCategories.removeCategory( d->mStrApp, d->editItem->text(0) ); delete d->editItem; d->editItem = 0; if ( sibling ) lvView->setSelected( sibling, TRUE ); } if ( lvView->childCount() < 1 ) { txtCat->clear(); txtCat->setEnabled( FALSE ); } } void CategoryEdit::slotSetGlobal( bool isChecked ) { if ( d->editItem ) { if ( isChecked ) d->editItem->setText( 1, tr("All") ); else d->editItem->setText( 1, tr(d->mVisible) ); d->mCategories.setGlobal( d->mStrApp, d->editItem->text( 0 ), isChecked ); } } void CategoryEdit::slotTextChanged( const QString &strNew ) { if ( d->editItem ) { if ( chkGlobal->isChecked() ) d->mCategories.renameGlobalCategory( d->editItem->text(0), strNew ); else d->mCategories.renameCategory( d->mStrApp, d->editItem->text(0), strNew ); d->editItem->setText( 0, strNew ); } } QArray<int> CategoryEdit::newCategories() { QArray<int> a; if ( d ) { d->mCategories.save( categoryFileName() ); QListViewItemIterator it( lvView ); QValueList<int> l; for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) { if ( reinterpret_cast<QCheckListItem*>(it.current())->isOn() ) l.append( d->mCategories.id( d->mStrApp, it.current()->text(0) ) ); } uint i = 0; a.resize( l.count() ); for ( QValueList<int>::Iterator lit = l.begin(); lit != l.end(); ++lit ) a[i++] = *lit; } return a; } void CategoryEdit::accept() { // write our categories out... d->mCategories.save( categoryFileName() ); // QDialog::accept(); } QString categoryFileName() { QDir dir = (QString(getenv("HOME")) + "/Settings"); if ( !dir.exists() ) mkdir( dir.path().local8Bit(), 0700 ); return dir.path() + "/" + "Categories" + ".xml"; } void CategoryEdit::kludge() { lvView->setMaximumHeight( 130 ); }