LnkPropertiesBase QWidget name Form1 geometry 0 0 289 449 sizePolicy 5 5 font caption Details layoutMargin layoutSpacing margin 0 spacing 0 QFrame name Frame8 focusPolicy NoFocus frameShape NoFrame frameShadow Plain layoutMargin layoutSpacing margin 3 spacing 3 CategoryWidget name categoryEdit sizePolicy 1 7 QLabel name spacer sizePolicy 1 7 text QLabel name commentLabel text Comment: QLabel name typeLabel focusPolicy NoFocus text Type: layoutMargin layoutSpacing QComboBox name locationCombo sizePolicy 7 0 whatsThis The media the document resides on. QLineEdit name docname sizePolicy 7 0 text whatsThis The name of this document. QLabel name TextLabel1 frameShadow MShadow text Name: QLabel name locationLabel sizePolicy 1 1 caption text Location: layoutMargin layoutSpacing QLabel name type text QLabel name comment text QCheckBox name preload text Fast load (consumes memory) layoutMargin layoutSpacing whatsThis Preload this application so that it is available instantly. Line name hline frameShadow Sunken orientation Horizontal layoutMargin layoutSpacing QFrame name Frame9 frameShape NoFrame frameShadow Plain layoutMargin layoutSpacing margin 3 spacing 5 QPushButton name unlink focusPolicy TabFocus text Delete autoDefault false whatsThis Delete this document. QPushButton name duplicate text Copy autoDefault false whatsThis Make a copy of this document. QPushButton name beam focusPolicy TabFocus text Beam autoDefault false whatsThis Beam this document to another device. CategoryWidget
-1 -1 0 7 7 image0
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