#include "zkbcfg.h" /* OPIE */ #include using namespace Opie::Core; /* QT */ #include // Implementation of XkbConfig class ZkbConfig::ZkbConfig(const QString& dir):path(dir) { } ZkbConfig::~ZkbConfig() { } bool ZkbConfig::load(const QString& file, Keymap& keymap, const QString& prefix) { bool ret; QFile f(path+"/"+file); QFileInfo fi(f); odebug << "start loading file=" << (const char*) file.utf8() << "\n" << oendl; if (includedFiles.find(fi.absFilePath()) != includedFiles.end()) { return false; } includedFiles.insert(fi.absFilePath(), 1); QXmlInputSource is(f); QXmlSimpleReader reader; ZkbHandler h(*this, keymap, prefix); reader.setContentHandler(&h); reader.setErrorHandler(this); ret = reader.parse(is); includedFiles.remove(fi.absFilePath()); odebug << "end loading file=" << file.utf8() << ": status=" << err.utf8() << oendl; return ret; } bool ZkbConfig::warning(const QXmlParseException& e) { QString tmp; tmp.sprintf("%d: warning: %s\n", e.lineNumber(), (const char*) e.message().utf8()); err += tmp; return true; } bool ZkbConfig::error(const QXmlParseException& e) { QString tmp; tmp.sprintf("%d: error: %s\n", e.lineNumber(), (const char*) e.message().utf8()); err += tmp; return true; } bool ZkbConfig::fatalError(const QXmlParseException& e) { QString tmp; tmp.sprintf("%d: fatal error: %s\n", e.lineNumber(), (const char*) e.message().utf8()); err += tmp; return false; } QString ZkbConfig::errorString() { return err; } // Implementation of ZkbHandler ZkbHandler::ZkbHandler(ZkbConfig& z, Keymap& k, const QString& p):zkc(z), keymap(k), prefix(p), ardelay(-1), arperiod(-1), currentState(0), currentAction(0) { } ZkbHandler::~ZkbHandler() { } bool ZkbHandler::startKeymapElement(int ard, int arp, const QString&) { ardelay = ard; arperiod = arp; return true; } bool ZkbHandler::startIncludeElement(const QString& file, const QString& pref) { QString p = prefix; if (!pref.isNull()) { p += pref + ":"; } bool ret = zkc.load(file, keymap, p); if (!ret) { setError("Error including file: " + file); } return ret; } bool ZkbHandler::startLabelElement(const QString& label, const QString& state) { if (!keymap.addLabel(label, prefix + state)) { err = "label " + label + " already defined"; return false; } return true; } bool ZkbHandler::startStateElement(const QString& name, const QString& parentName, bool dflt) { currentStateName = prefix + name; currentState = keymap.getStateByName(currentStateName); // odebug << "state name=" << (const char*) currentStateName.utf8() << "\n" << oendl; State* parent = 0; if (!parentName.isEmpty()) { QString pn = prefix + parentName; parent = keymap.getStateByName(pn); if (parent == 0) { err = currentStateName + ": undefined parent state: " + pn; return false; } } if (currentState == 0) { currentState = new State(parent); keymap.addState(currentStateName, currentState); } else { if (parent!=0) { currentState->setParent(parent); } } if (dflt) { keymap.setCurrentState(currentState); } return true; } bool ZkbHandler::startMapElement(int keycode, bool pressed) { currentAction = currentState->get(keycode, pressed); if (currentAction == 0) { setError("keycode " + QString::number(keycode) + " not supported"); return false; } currentAction->setEvent(false); currentAction->setState(0); return true; } bool ZkbHandler::startEventElement(int keycode, int unicode, int modifiers, bool pressed, bool autorepeat) { currentAction->setEvent(true); currentAction->setKeycode(keycode); currentAction->setUnicode(unicode); currentAction->setModifiers(modifiers); currentAction->setPressed(pressed); currentAction->setAutorepeat(autorepeat); return true; } bool ZkbHandler::startNextStateElement(const QString& state) { State* s = keymap.getStateByName(prefix + state); if (s == 0) { setError("undefine state: " + prefix + state); return false; } currentAction->setState(s); return true; } bool ZkbHandler::endKeymapElement() { if (ardelay > 0) { keymap.setAutorepeatDelay(ardelay); } if (arperiod > 0) { keymap.setAutorepeatPeriod(arperiod); } return true; } bool ZkbHandler::endIncludeElement() { return true; } bool ZkbHandler::endLabelElement() { return true; } bool ZkbHandler::endStateElement() { currentState = 0; return true; } bool ZkbHandler::endMapElement() { currentAction = 0; return true; } bool ZkbHandler::endEventElement() { return true; } bool ZkbHandler::endNextStateElement() { return true; }