#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../profile.h" #include "../io_serial.h" #include "../filetransfer.h" #include "../filereceive.h" #include #include "senderui.h" SenderUI::SenderUI() : Sender() { /* we do that manually */ Profile prof; QString str = "/dev/bty0"; prof.writeEntry("Device",str ); prof.writeEntry("Baud", 19200 ); qWarning("prof " + prof.readEntry("Device") + " " + str); ser = new IOSerial(prof); connect(ser, SIGNAL(received(const QByteArray&) ), this, SLOT(got(const QByteArray&) ) ); if ( ser->open() ) qWarning("opened!!!"); else qWarning("could not open"); } SenderUI::~SenderUI() { } void SenderUI::slotSendFile() { sz = new FileTransfer(FileTransfer::SY, ser); sz->sendFile("/home/ich/bootopie-v06-13.jffs2"); connect (sz, SIGNAL(sent()), this, SLOT(fileTransComplete())); } void SenderUI::slotSend() { QCString str = MultiLineEdit1->text().utf8(); qWarning("sending: %s", str.data() ); str = str.replace( QRegExp("\n"), "\r"); ser->send( str ); } void SenderUI::got(const QByteArray& ar) { qWarning("got:"); for ( uint i = 0; i < ar.count(); i++ ) { printf("%c", ar[i] ); } printf("\n"); } void SenderUI::fileTransComplete() { qWarning("file transfer complete"); } void SenderUI::send() { } void SenderUI::slotRev(){ qWarning("Going to receive!"); FileReceive *rev = new FileReceive( FileReceive::SZ, ser ); rev->receive(); }