/*************************************************************************** ftpsitedlg.cpp - description ------------------- begin : Tue Jul 25 2000 copyright : (C) 2000 -2004 by llornkcor email : ljp@llornkcor.com ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "optionsDialog.h" #include "gutenbrowser.h" //#include "NetworkDialog.h" #include "output.h" /* OPIE */ #include #include /* QT */ #include #include #include /* STD */ #include #include #include // :)~ void optionsDialog::ftpSiteDlg( ) { //printf( "ftpSiteDlg: ListFile is "+ ListFile +"\n" ); // initDialog(); local_library = (QDir::homeDirPath ()) +"/Applications/gutenbrowser/"; // ListFile = local_library + "ftpList"; ListFile = QPEApplication::qpeDir() + "etc/gutenbrowser"; QDir dir(ListFile); if( !dir.exists()) dir.mkdir(ListFile,true); ListFile+="/ftpList"; odebug << "opening "+ListFile << oendl; if ( QFile(ListFile).exists() ) { openSiteList(); } else { switch( QMessageBox::warning( this, "Gutenbrowser", "Do you want to download \nan ftp site list?", QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No)) { case QMessageBox::Yes: // yes getSite(); break; case QMessageBox::No: // No // exit break; } } } /* // get ftp list from web- parse it. */ void optionsDialog::getSite() { QString file_name; QString ftp_listFileURL; QString outputFile; // outputFile = local_library+ "list.html"; outputFile = ListFile + "list.html"; QString networkUrl= "http://www.gutenberg.org/www/mirror.sites.html"; //http://www.gutenberg.org/index.html"; // QString networkUrl= "http://llornkcor.com/index.shtml"; // // "http://www.gutenberg.org/index.html" // //Qhttp stops working at times.... :( // NetworkDialog *NetworkDlg; // NetworkDlg = new NetworkDialog( this,"Network Protocol Dialog",TRUE,0,networkUrl,outputFile); // if( NetworkDlg->exec() != 0 ) // { // use new, improved, *INSTANT* network-dialog-file-getterer // odebug << "gitcha!" << oendl; // } // delete NetworkDlg; //#ifdef Q_WS_QWS // TODO qprocess here QString cmd="wget -T 15 -O " +outputFile + " " + networkUrl + " 2>&1" ; odebug << "Issuing the command "+cmd << oendl; Output *outDlg; outDlg = new Output( 0, tr("Downloading ftp sites...."),TRUE); outDlg->showMaximized(); outDlg->show(); qApp->processEvents(); FILE *fp; char line[130]; outDlg->OutputEdit->append( tr("Running wget") ); sleep(1); fp = popen( (const char *) cmd, "r"); while ( fgets( line, sizeof line, fp)) { outDlg->OutputEdit->append(line); outDlg->OutputEdit->setCursorPosition(outDlg->OutputEdit->numLines() + 1,0,FALSE); } pclose(fp); outDlg->close(); if(outDlg) delete outDlg; // outputFile=ListFile; ftp_QListBox_1->clear(); parseFtpList( outputFile); // got the html list, now parse it so we can use it } bool optionsDialog::parseFtpList( QString outputFile) { // parse ftplist html and extract just the machine names/directories // TODO: add locations!! odebug << "parse ftplist "+outputFile << oendl; QString ftpList, s_location; QFile f( outputFile ); if( f.open( IO_ReadWrite )) { QTextStream t( &f); QString countryName; bool b_gotchTest=false; while ( !t.eof() ) { QString s = t.readLine(); int start; int end; if( s.find( "FTP mirror sites for Project Gutenberg:", 0, TRUE) !=-1) { //lower end of this file b_gotchTest = true; } if( b_gotchTest) { if(( start = s.find( "ftp://", 0, TRUE))!=-1 ) { end = s.find( "/\"", 0, TRUE);// ==-1)) { if( end == -1) { end = s.find( "\">"); } ftpSite = s.mid( start, (end - start) ); if(ftpSite.right(1) != "/") { // ftpSite += "/"; } ftpSite=ftpSite.right( ftpSite.length()-6); if( ftpSite.find("\n", 0, TRUE) ) ftpSite.remove( ftpSite.find("\n", 0, TRUE), 1); if( ftpSite.find("\"", 0, TRUE) ) ftpSite.remove( ftpSite.find("\"", 0, TRUE), 1); if( ftpSite.find("a>", 0, TRUE) ) ftpSite.remove( ftpSite.find("a>", 0, TRUE) -2, 4); s = t.readLine(); s = t.readLine(); if(( start=s.find("
(", 0, TRUE) ) != -1) { // odebug << "" << s << "" << oendl; end = s.find( ")", 0, TRUE)+1; s_location= s.mid( start+4, (end - start) ); // odebug << "" << s_location << "" << oendl; // ftpList += ftpSite + "\n"; // ftp_QListBox_1->sort( TRUE ); ftpList += s_location+ " "+ftpSite+"\n"; ftp_QListBox_1->sort( TRUE ); QString winbug=" "; ftp_QListBox_1->insertItem ( s_location.latin1() +winbug+ftpSite); // ftp_QListBox_1->insertItem ( ftpSite+" "+s_location.latin1()); } // ftp_QListBox_1->insertItem ( ftpSite); } } // end find ftp:// } // end while loop QFile f2( ListFile); if(!f2.open( IO_ReadWrite | IO_Truncate)) QMessageBox::message( (tr("Note")), (tr("File not opened sucessfully.\n"+ListFile )) ); f2.writeBlock( ftpList, ftpList.length() ); f.close(); f2.close(); if( f.exists() ) f.remove(); } else { QMessageBox::message( (tr("ftpSiteDlg")), (tr("List File not opened sucessfully." )) ); return false; } setActiveWindow(); return true; } void optionsDialog::openSiteList() { odebug << " just opens the ftp site list" << oendl; // ListFile = ( QDir::homeDirPath ()) +"/.gutenbrowser/ftpList"; QFile f( ListFile); if(!f.open( IO_ReadWrite )) { QMessageBox::message( (tr("Note")), (tr("File not opened sucessfully." )) ); } else { QTextStream t( &f); while ( !t.atEnd() ) { QString ftpSite = t.readLine(); ftp_QListBox_1->sort( TRUE ); ftp_QListBox_1->insertItem ( ftpSite); } // end while loop f.close(); } QListBoxItem *itemSel=0; if( (itemSel=ftp_QListBox_1->findItem( ftp_host)) ) ftp_QListBox_1->setSelected( itemSel, true); } /* List box clicked */ void optionsDialog::getSelection( QListBoxItem *item) { QString selctionStr; selctionStr = item->text(); // selctionStr = ftp_QListBox_1->currentText(); // printf( selctionStr+"\n" ); select_site( selctionStr ); } void optionsDialog::select_site( const char *index ) { // ftp://ftp.datacanyon.com/pub/gutenberg/ s_site = index; QString s_site2; // if(s_site.find("(",0,TRUE)) s_site2=s_site.right( s_site.length()-(s_site.find(" ",0,TRUE)+4) ); odebug << "Selected ftp site is "+ s_site2 << oendl; int i_ftp = s_site2.find("/", 0, FALSE); ftp_host = s_site2.left(i_ftp ); ftp_base_dir = s_site2.right( s_site2.length() - i_ftp); // config->read(); Config config("Gutenbrowser"); config.setGroup( "FTPsite" ); config.writeEntry("SiteName",ftp_host); config.writeEntry("base",ftp_base_dir); // config->write(); TextLabel3->setText( "Current ftp server:\n"+ftp_host /*+ ftp_base_dir*/ ); // optionsDialog::accept(); }