#ifdef USENEF #include #include "arrierego.h" struct CArriere_dataRecord { UInt16 uid; UInt16 nParagraphs; UInt32 size; UInt8 type; UInt8 reserved; }; int CArriere::HeaderSize() { return 10; } void CArriere::GetHeader(UInt16& uid, UInt16& nParagraphs, UInt32& size, UInt8& type, UInt8& reserved) { CArriere_dataRecord thishdr; unsuspend(); fread(&thishdr, 1, HeaderSize(), fin); uid = ntohs(thishdr.uid); nParagraphs = ntohs(thishdr.nParagraphs); size = ntohl(thishdr.size); type = thishdr.type; reserved = thishdr.reserved; // qDebug("UID:%u Paras:%u Size:%u Type:%u Reserved:%u", uid, nParagraphs, size, (unsigned int)type, (unsigned int)reserved); // for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(thishdr); i++) // printf("%d %x\n", i, (int)(((char *)(&thishdr))[i])); } bool CArriere::CorrectDecoder() { char * type = (char*)(&(head.type)); for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) qDebug("%c", type[i]); return (memcmp(&head.type, "ArriereG", 8) == 0); } int CArriere::bgetch() { int ch = EOF; if (bufferpos >= buffercontent) { if (bufferrec >= ntohs(head.recordList.numRecords) - 1) { return EOF; } if (isEndOfSection(bufferrec)) { return EOF; } if (!expand(bufferrec+1)) { return EOF; } mystyle.unset(); if (m_ParaOffsets[m_nextParaIndex] == 0) { while (m_ParaOffsets[m_nextParaIndex+1] == 0) { m_nextParaIndex++; } } mystyle.setExtraSpace((m_ParaAttrs[m_nextParaIndex]&7)*2); } if (bufferpos == m_nextPara) { while (bufferpos == m_nextPara) { m_nextParaIndex++; if (m_nextParaIndex == m_nParas) { m_nextPara = -1; } else { m_nextPara += m_ParaOffsets[m_nextParaIndex]; } } mystyle.unset(); mystyle.setExtraSpace((m_ParaAttrs[m_nextParaIndex]&7)*2); if (m_lastBreak == locate()) { currentpos++; ch = expandedtextbuffer[bufferpos++]; } else { ch = 10; } } else { currentpos++; ch = expandedtextbuffer[bufferpos++]; } return ch; } tchar CArriere::getch(bool fast) { mystyle.clearPicture(); return getch_base(fast); } /* void CArriere::setlink(QString& fn, const QString& wrd) { fn = wrd; } */ QImage* CArriere::imagefromdata(UInt8* imgbuffer, UInt32 imgsize) { QByteArray arr; arr.assign((const char*)imgbuffer, imgsize); QImage* qimage = new QImage(arr); return qimage; } void CArriere::start2endSection() { m_currentstart = NEFstartSection(); m_currentend = NEFendSection(); } unsigned long CArriere::NEFstartSection() { //inefficient - Should calc start/end of section on entry to section? UInt16 thishdr_uid, thishdr_nParagraphs; UInt32 thishdr_size; UInt8 thishdr_type, thishdr_reserved; unsigned long textlength = currentpos-bufferpos; for (UInt16 recptr = bufferrec-1; recptr >= 1; recptr--) { gotorecordnumber(recptr); //qDebug("recptr:%u", recptr); GetHeader(thishdr_uid, thishdr_nParagraphs, thishdr_size, thishdr_type, thishdr_reserved); if (thishdr_type < 2) { if ((thishdr_reserved && continuation_bit) == 0) break; textlength -= thishdr_size; //qDebug("Textlength:%u, reserved:%u, recptr:%u", textlength, thishdr_reserved, recptr); } } return textlength; } unsigned long CArriere::NEFendSection() { //inefficient - Should calc start/end of section on entry to section? unsigned long textlength = currentpos-bufferpos+buffercontent; gotorecordnumber(bufferrec); UInt16 thishdr_uid, thishdr_nParagraphs; UInt32 thishdr_size; UInt8 thishdr_type, thishdr_reserved; GetHeader(thishdr_uid, thishdr_nParagraphs, thishdr_size, thishdr_type, thishdr_reserved); if ((thishdr_reserved && continuation_bit) != 0) { for (UInt16 recptr = bufferrec+1; recptr < ntohs(head.recordList.numRecords); recptr++) { gotorecordnumber(recptr); UInt16 thishdr_uid, thishdr_nParagraphs; UInt32 thishdr_size; UInt8 thishdr_type, thishdr_reserved; GetHeader(thishdr_uid, thishdr_nParagraphs, thishdr_size, thishdr_type, thishdr_reserved); // qDebug("recptr %u bufferrec %u type %u m_reserved %u", recptr, bufferrec, typ if (thishdr_type < 2) { textlength += thishdr_size; if ((thishdr_reserved && continuation_bit) == 0) break; } } } return textlength; } #ifndef __STATIC extern "C" { CExpander* newcodec() { return new CArriere; } } #endif #endif