#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define DATEFORMAT 0x1 #define NUMBERFORMAT 0x2 #define BIFF8 0x600 #define BIFF7 0x500 #define WBKGLOBAL 0x5 #define WRKSHEET 0x10 #define XL_ARRAY 0x221 #define XL_BOUNDSHEET 0x85 #define XL_BOF 0x809 #define XL_BOOLERR 0x205 #define XL_CONTINUE 0x3c #define XL_DIMENSION 0x200 #define XL_EOF 0x0a #define XL_EXTSST 0xff #define XL_FORMULA 0x406 #define XL_FORMULA2 0x6 #define XL_FORMAT 0x41e #define XL_INDEX 0x20b #define XL_LABEL 0x204 #define XL_LABELSST 0xfd #define XL_MULRK 0xbd #define XL_NAME 0x18 #define XL_NOTE 0x1c #define XL_NUMBER 0x203 #define XL_RK 0x7e #define XL_RK2 0x27e #define XL_ROW 0x208 #define XL_SST 0xfc #define XL_STRING 0x207 #define XL_TXO 0x1b6 #define XL_XF 0xe0 #define XL_UNKNOWN 0xffff #define CELL_LABEL 0x2 #define CELL_NUMBER 0x3 #define CELL_DATE 0x4 #define CELL_BOOLEAN 0x5 #define CELL_ERROR 0x6 class ExcelFormat { public: int code; int type; QString format; ExcelFormat(); ExcelFormat(int c,int t, QString s); }; struct xfrecord { int code; int type; QString format; }; class ExcelCell { public: int type; int row,col; int xfindex; //xf format index of cell int valuei; double valued; QString valuec; }; class ExcelBREC { public: int code; int length; int position; char* data; }; class SSTList { public: QArray rec; }; class ExcelSheet { public: QString name; ExcelBREC BOFRecord; int position; int type; int rows; int cols; int cellsize,rowalloc,cellalloc; QArray Cells; bool InitCells(void); // true if ok ExcelCell* Get(int row, int col); void Set(int row, int col, ExcelCell* cell); }; struct mulrk { int row; int first; int last; int numrks; QArray rknumbers; QArray rkdbls; QArray xfindices; }; class ExcelBook { public: FILE *File; int Position; //int stringcount; QArray SharedStrings; //int xfcount; QArray XFRecords; //int Sheetcount; QArray Sheets; //int name count; QArray Names; QString dateformat; int Version; int endian; int Integer2Byte(int b1, int b2 ); int Integer4Byte(int b1, int b2, int b3, int b4 ); int Integer2ByteFile(FILE *f); float Float4Byte(int b1, int b2, int b3, int b4); double Double4Byte(int b1, int b2, int b3, int b4); double Double8Byte(int b1, int b2, int b3, int b4, int b5, int b6, int b7, int b8); void DetectEndian(void); bool OpenFile(char *Filename); // true if ok bool CloseFile(void); // true if ok void SeekPosition(int pos); // go to Pos void SeekSkip(int pos); // skips pos bytes. int FileEOF(void); //returns -1 if EOF else 0 int Get2Bytes(void); //gets an int from the file char* Read(int pos, int length); QString ReadUnicodeChar(int pos, int length); QString* GetString(int num); //gets the num string from SharedStrings; int SeekBOF(void); ExcelBREC* GetBREC(void); ExcelBREC* PeekBREC(void); char* GetDataOfBREC(ExcelBREC* record); void ConvertCharToArray(ExcelBREC* record, char* chars, int length); int SheetHandleRecord(ExcelSheet* sheet, ExcelBREC* record); int ReadSheet(ExcelSheet* sheet); //read the sheet sheet* ExcelSheet* GetSheet(void); void ParseSheets(void); void GetSheets(void); bool ParseBook(char *file); // THIS IS THE MAIN PARSE FUNCTION of file QString GetASCII(char* inbytes, int pos, int chars); QString GetUnicode(char * inbytes, int pos, int chars); void HandleBoundSheet( ExcelBREC* rec); void HandleName(ExcelSheet* sheet, ExcelBREC* rec); ExcelFormat* GetFormatting(int xf); void HandleSetOfSST(ExcelBREC* rec/*, SSTList* cont*/, char* bytes); char* MergeBytesFromSSTs(ExcelBREC* rec,SSTList* cont); void HandleSST(ExcelBREC* rec); void HandleLabelSST(ExcelSheet* sheet, ExcelBREC* rec); ExcelCell* CellLabel(int row, int col, QString str); ExcelCell* CellNumber(int row, int col, int index, double d); QString* CellDataString(ExcelSheet* sh, int row, int col); int CellGetPrecision(double d); void CellSetDateFormat(char *d); void HandleMulrk(ExcelSheet* sheet, ExcelBREC* record); void MulrkRead(struct mulrk *mulrk, char* data); void HandleNumber(ExcelSheet* sheet, ExcelBREC* record); void HandleFormat(ExcelBREC* rec); void HandleXF(ExcelBREC* rec); void HandleRK(ExcelSheet* sheet, ExcelBREC* record); void HandleFormula(ExcelSheet* sheet, ExcelBREC* record); QString GetFormula(int row, int col, ExcelSheet* sheet, char* data, int sz); QString FindCellName(int row, int col); };