#include "newaccount.h" #include "calculator.h" #include "datepicker.h" #include extern Preferences *preferences; NewAccount::NewAccount ( QWidget *parent, const char *name, bool modal ) : QDialog ( parent, name, modal ) { accountdescription = ""; dateedited = FALSE; setCaption( tr( "Account" ) ); namelabel = new QLabel ( "Account Name", this ); accountbox = new QHBox ( this ); accountname = new QLineEdit ( accountbox ); descriptionbutton = new QPushButton ( accountbox ); descriptionbutton->setPixmap ( QPixmap ( "/opt/QtPalmtop/pics/info.png" ) ); datelabel = new QLabel ( "Date", this ); datebox = new QHBox ( this ); startdate = new QLineEdit ( datebox ); startdate->setDisabled ( TRUE ); datebutton = new QPushButton ( datebox ); datebutton->setPixmap ( QPixmap ( "/opt/QtPalmtop/pics/date.png" ) ); childcheckbox = new QCheckBox ( this ); childcheckbox->setText( tr ( "Child Account" ) ); childlabel = new QLabel ( "Child of", this ); childbox = new QComboBox ( FALSE, this ); hideChildPulldownMenu (); balancelabel = new QLabel ( "Balance", this ); balancebox = new QHBox ( this ); accountbalance = new QLineEdit ( balancebox ); accountbalance->setText ( "0.00" ); balancecalculator = new QPushButton( balancebox ); balancecalculator->setPixmap ( QPixmap ( "/opt/QtPalmtop/pics/kcalc.png" ) ); creditlimitlabel = new QLabel ( "Credit Limit", this ); creditlimitbox = new QHBox ( this ); creditlimit = new QLineEdit ( creditlimitbox ); creditlimitbox->setEnabled ( FALSE ); creditlimitcalculator = new QPushButton( creditlimitbox ); creditlimitcalculator->setPixmap ( QPixmap ( "/opt/QtPalmtop/pics/kcalc.png" ) ); currencybox = new Currency ( this ); typelabel = new QLabel ( "Type", this ); accounttype = new QComboBox ( FALSE, this ); accounttype->insertItem( tr( "Bank" ) ); accounttype->insertItem( tr( "Cash" ) ); accounttype->insertItem( tr( "Credit Card" ) ); accounttype->insertItem( tr( "Equity" ) ); accounttype->insertItem( tr( "Asset" ) ); accounttype->insertItem( tr( "Liability" ) ); layout = new QGridLayout ( this, 7, 2, 4, 2 ); layout->addWidget ( namelabel , 0, 0, Qt::AlignLeft ); layout->addWidget ( accountbox, 1, 0, Qt::AlignLeft ); layout->addWidget ( datelabel, 2, 0, Qt::AlignLeft ); layout->addWidget ( datebox, 3, 0, Qt::AlignLeft ); layout->addWidget ( childcheckbox, 4, 0, Qt::AlignLeft ); layout->addWidget ( childlabel, 5, 0, Qt::AlignLeft ); layout->addWidget ( childbox, 6, 0, Qt::AlignLeft ); layout->addWidget ( balancelabel, 0, 1, Qt::AlignLeft ); layout->addWidget ( balancebox, 1, 1, Qt::AlignLeft ); layout->addWidget ( creditlimitlabel, 2, 1, Qt::AlignLeft ); layout->addWidget ( creditlimitbox, 3, 1, Qt::AlignLeft ); layout->addWidget ( currencybox, 4, 1, Qt::AlignLeft ); layout->addWidget ( typelabel, 5, 1, Qt::AlignLeft ); layout->addWidget ( accounttype, 6, 1, Qt::AlignLeft ); connect ( childcheckbox, SIGNAL ( clicked () ), this, SLOT ( showChildPulldownMenu() ) ); connect ( balancecalculator, SIGNAL ( released() ), this, SLOT ( showCalculator() ) ); connect ( creditlimitcalculator, SIGNAL ( released() ), this, SLOT ( showCreditLimitCalculator() ) ); connect ( accounttype, SIGNAL ( activated ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( activateCreditLimit ( int ) ) ); connect ( datebutton, SIGNAL ( released () ), this, SLOT ( showCalendar () ) ); connect ( descriptionbutton, SIGNAL ( released () ), this, SLOT ( addAccountDescription() ) ); } NewAccount::~NewAccount () { } void NewAccount::showChildPulldownMenu () { if ( childcheckbox->isChecked() == TRUE ) { childlabel->setEnabled ( TRUE ); childbox->setEnabled ( TRUE ); } else hideChildPulldownMenu(); } void NewAccount::hideChildPulldownMenu () { childlabel->setEnabled ( FALSE ); childbox->setEnabled ( FALSE ); } void NewAccount::showCalculator () { Calculator *calculator = new Calculator ( this ); calculator->setMaximumWidth ( ( int ) ( this->size().width() * 0.9 ) ); if ( calculator->exec () == QDialog::Accepted ) accountbalance->setText ( calculator->display->text() ); } void NewAccount::showCreditLimitCalculator () { Calculator *calculator = new Calculator ( this ); calculator->setMaximumWidth ( ( int ) ( this->size().width() * 0.9 ) ); if ( calculator->exec () == QDialog::Accepted ) creditlimit->setText ( calculator->display->text() ); } void NewAccount::activateCreditLimit ( int index ) { if ( index == 2 || index == 5 ) creditlimitbox->setEnabled ( TRUE ); else { creditlimit->clear (); creditlimitbox->setEnabled ( FALSE ); } } void NewAccount::showCalendar () { QDate newDate = QDate::currentDate (); DatePicker *dp = new DatePicker ( newDate ); dp->setMaximumWidth ( ( int ) ( this->size().width() * 0.9 ) ); int response = dp->exec(); if ( response == QDialog::Accepted ) { // Set date integers year = dp->getYear(); month = dp->getMonth(); day = dp->getDay(); // Set dateedited to TRUE // This tells the accountdisplay object that the user edited an account // and did change the date dateedited = TRUE; // Display date with our selected format startdate->setText ( preferences->getDate ( year, month, day ) ); } } bool NewAccount::getDateEdited () { return dateedited; } int NewAccount::getDay () { return day; } int NewAccount::getMonth () { return month; } int NewAccount::getYear () { return year; } QString NewAccount::getDescription () { return accountdescription; } void NewAccount::setDescription ( QString description ) { accountdescription = description; } void NewAccount::addAccountDescription () { // Function for adding or editing an account description. QDialog *description = new QDialog ( this, "description", TRUE ); description->setCaption ( "Notes" ); QMultiLineEdit *enter = new QMultiLineEdit ( description ); enter->setFixedSize ( ( int ) (this->width() * 0.75 ), ( int ) ( this->height() * 0.5 ) ); enter->setWrapColumnOrWidth ( ( int ) (this->width() * 0.75 ) ); enter->setWordWrap ( QMultiLineEdit::WidgetWidth ); if ( accountdescription != "(NULL)" ) enter->setText ( accountdescription ); if ( description->exec () == QDialog::Accepted ) accountdescription = enter->text (); }