#include "qashmoney.h" #include "preferencedialogs.h" #include "memorydialog.h" #include #include Budget *budget = new Budget (); Preferences *preferences = new Preferences (); Account *account = new Account (); Transaction *transaction = new Transaction (); Transfer *transfer = new Transfer (); Memory *memory = new Memory (); QashMoney::QashMoney () : QWidget () { preferences->addPreferences(); preferences->initializeColumnPreferences (); // set the text in the upper part of the frame setCaption ( tr ( "QashMoney" ) ); // Create new menubar for our mainwindow // and add menu items mainmenu = new QPEMenuBar ( this ); mainmenu->setFrameStyle ( QFrame::PopupPanel | QFrame::Raised ); preferencesmenu = new QPopupMenu ( this ); utilitiesmenu = new QPopupMenu ( this ); mainmenu->insertItem ( "Preferences", preferencesmenu ); mainmenu->insertItem ( "Utilities", utilitiesmenu ); preferencesmenu->insertItem ( "Date", this, SLOT ( displayDatePreferencesDialog () ) ); preferencesmenu->insertItem ( "Account", this, SLOT ( displayAccountPreferencesDialog () ) ); preferencesmenu->insertItem ( "Transaction", this, SLOT ( displayTransactionPreferencesDialog () ) ); utilitiesmenu->insertItem ( "Memory", this, SLOT ( displayMemoryDialog () ) ); // create the main tabwidget for displaying accounts and transactions maintabs = new QTabWidget ( this ); tab = new QWidget ( this ); tab_2 = new QWidget ( this ); tab_3 = new QWidget ( this ); maintabs->addTab ( tab, "Accounts" ); maintabs->addTab ( tab_2, "Transactions" ); maintabs->addTab ( tab_3, "Budgets" ); tabheight = tab->height(); maintabs->setTabEnabled ( tab_2, FALSE ); // create a new account display object accountdisplay = new AccountDisplay ( maintabs ); accountdisplay->setTabs ( tab_2, maintabs ); connect ( accountdisplay->listview, SIGNAL ( selectionChanged () ), this, SLOT ( setTransactionTab () ) ); // set the connection to disable the one touch account viewing if we are transfering money connect ( accountdisplay->transferbutton, SIGNAL ( toggled ( bool ) ), this, SLOT ( toggleOneTouchViewing ( bool ) ) ); // create a new transactiondisplay object transactiondisplay = new TransactionDisplay ( maintabs ); transactiondisplay->hide(); // create new budgetdisplay object budgetdisplay = new BudgetDisplay ( maintabs ); budgetdisplay->hide(); tabslayout = new QVBoxLayout ( maintabs, 4, 2 ); tabslayout->addSpacing ( tabheight ); tabslayout->addWidget ( accountdisplay ); tabslayout->addWidget ( transactiondisplay ); tabslayout->addWidget ( budgetdisplay ); // connect a change in the maintabs with changing the tab display connect ( maintabs, SIGNAL ( currentChanged ( QWidget * ) ), this, SLOT ( changeTabDisplay () ) ); // create layout that will contain the menubar and the maintabs layout = new QVBoxLayout ( this, 2, 2 ); layout->setMenuBar ( mainmenu ); layout->addWidget ( maintabs ); } QashMoney::~QashMoney () { delete budget; delete preferences; delete account; delete transaction; delete transfer; delete memory; } void QashMoney::changeTabDisplay () { // if the user pressed the transactions tab, hide the account display // object and create a new transaction display if ( maintabs->currentPageIndex() == 1 ) { // initialize variables bool children = FALSE; // hide the account display and define accountid int accountid = accountdisplay->listview->selectedItem()->text ( accountdisplay->getIDColumn() ).toInt(); //remove all the columns from the transactiondisplay int columns = transactiondisplay->listview->columns(); int counter; for ( counter = 0; counter <= columns; counter++ ) transactiondisplay->listview->removeColumn ( 0 ); // set the account name and account balance QString name = account->getAccountName ( accountid ); QString balance = account->getAccountBalance ( accountid ); transactiondisplay->name->setText ( name ); transactiondisplay->balance->setText ( balance ); // clear the limitbox transactiondisplay->limitbox->clear(); // get parent account id int parentaccountid = account->getParentAccountID ( accountid ); // add columns based on which account is selected // this first if determines if we selected a parent with no children or a child // in these cases, we add standard three columns for date, transaction, amount transactiondisplay->listview->addColumn ( "Date", 0 ); transactiondisplay->listview->addColumn ( "Transaction", 0 ); transactiondisplay->listview->addColumn ( "Amt", 0); transactiondisplay->listview->setColumnAlignment ( 2, Qt::AlignRight ); transactiondisplay->listview->addColumn ( "", 0 ); if ( accountdisplay->listview->selectedItem()->parent() == 0 && accountdisplay->listview->selectedItem()->childCount() != 0 ) // we selected a parent with children { // add an extra column for the account name for eac child transaction transactiondisplay->listview->addColumn ( "Acct", 0 ); children = TRUE; // hide the new transaction button transactiondisplay->newtransaction->setEnabled ( FALSE ); } else //we selected a parent without children or a child transactiondisplay->newtransaction->setEnabled ( TRUE ); // disable the transactionid column so it can't be red transactiondisplay->listview->header()->setResizeEnabled ( FALSE, 3 ); // set the accountid and children variables transactiondisplay->setChildren ( children ); transactiondisplay->setAccountID ( accountid ); // display transactions transactiondisplay->listview->clear(); QString displaytext = "%"; displaytext.prepend ( transactiondisplay->limitbox->text() ); if ( transaction->getNumberOfTransactions() > 0 ) transaction->displayTransactions ( transactiondisplay->listview, accountid, children, displaytext ); // display transfers transfer->displayTransfers ( transactiondisplay->listview, accountid, children ); // open a new preferences object and resize the transaction display columns // each column will have a different size based on whether we are looking at a child // account or children through a parent if ( parentaccountid != -1 || accountdisplay->listview->selectedItem()->childCount() == 0 ) // a parent with no children or a child - three columns { transactiondisplay->listview->setColumnWidth ( 0, preferences->getColumnPreference ( 3 ) ); // normal transaction date width transactiondisplay->listview->setColumnWidthMode ( 0, QListView::Manual ); transactiondisplay->listview->setColumnWidth ( 1, preferences->getColumnPreference ( 4 ) ); // normal transaction name width transactiondisplay->listview->setColumnWidthMode ( 1, QListView::Manual ); transactiondisplay->listview->setColumnWidth ( 2, preferences->getColumnPreference ( 5 ) ); // normal transaction amount width transactiondisplay->listview->setColumnWidthMode ( 2, QListView::Manual ); } else { transactiondisplay->listview->setColumnWidth ( 0, preferences->getColumnPreference ( 6 ) ); // extended transaction date width transactiondisplay->listview->setColumnWidthMode ( 0, QListView::Manual ); transactiondisplay->listview->setColumnWidth ( 1, preferences->getColumnPreference ( 7 ) ); // extended transaction name width transactiondisplay->listview->setColumnWidthMode ( 1, QListView::Manual ); transactiondisplay->listview->setColumnWidth ( 2, preferences->getColumnPreference ( 8 ) ); // extended transaction amount width transactiondisplay->listview->setColumnWidthMode ( 2, QListView::Manual ); transactiondisplay->listview->setColumnWidth ( 4, preferences->getColumnPreference ( 9 ) ); // transaction account width transactiondisplay->listview->setColumnWidthMode ( 4, QListView::Manual ); } // show the window transactiondisplay->show(); // hide the account display and define accountid accountdisplay->hide(); // hide the budget display budgetdisplay->hide(); } else if ( maintabs->currentPageIndex() == 0 ) { disableOneTouchViewing(); // clear the account display selection accountdisplay->listview->clearSelection(); // resize the account display columns accountdisplay->listview->setColumnWidth ( 0, preferences->getColumnPreference ( 1 ) ); accountdisplay->listview->setColumnWidth ( 1, preferences->getColumnPreference ( 2 ) ); // display the accounts if ( account->getNumberOfAccounts() != 0 ) account->displayAccounts ( accountdisplay->listview ); maintabs->setTabEnabled ( tab_2, FALSE ); // set the toggle button accountdisplay->setToggleButton (); // show the account display accountdisplay->show(); // hide the transaction display transactiondisplay->hide(); // hide the budget display budgetdisplay->hide(); enableOneTouchViewing (); } else { budgetdisplay->displayLineItems(); budgetdisplay->show(); transactiondisplay->hide(); accountdisplay->hide(); } } void QashMoney::setTransactionTab () { if ( accountdisplay->listview->selectedItem() == 0 ) maintabs->setTabEnabled ( tab_2, FALSE ); else maintabs->setTabEnabled ( tab_2, TRUE ); } void QashMoney::displayDatePreferencesDialog () { // this shows a dialog to set preferences for formatting the date DatePreferences *pd = new DatePreferences ( this ); pd->exec (); if ( transactiondisplay->isVisible() ) { // set the account id int accountid = accountdisplay->listview->selectedItem()->text ( accountdisplay->getIDColumn() ).toInt(); // set children so we can let displayTransfers know if there are children for the selected account bool children; if ( accountdisplay->listview->selectedItem()->parent() == 0 && accountdisplay->listview->selectedItem()->childCount() != 0 ) children = TRUE; else children = FALSE; // redisplay transactions if they are visible incorporating // any changes to the date format transactiondisplay->listview->clear(); QString displaytext = "%"; displaytext.prepend ( transactiondisplay->limitbox->text() ); if ( transaction->getNumberOfTransactions() > 0 ) transaction->displayTransactions ( transactiondisplay->listview, accountid, children, displaytext ); if ( transfer->getNumberOfTransfers() != 0 ) transfer->displayTransfers ( transactiondisplay->listview, accountid, children ); } else if ( accountdisplay->isVisible() ) { accountdisplay->listview->clearSelection(); maintabs->setTabEnabled ( tab_2, FALSE ); } else budgetdisplay->updateBudgetInformation(); } void QashMoney::displayTransactionPreferencesDialog () { // display a dialog for setting preferences for transactions TransactionPreferences *td = new TransactionPreferences ( this ); td->exec (); if ( transactiondisplay->isVisible() ) { // set the account id int accountid = accountdisplay->listview->selectedItem()->text ( accountdisplay->getIDColumn() ).toInt(); // set children so we can let displayTransfers know if there are children for the selected account bool children; if ( accountdisplay->listview->selectedItem()->parent() == 0 && accountdisplay->listview->selectedItem()->childCount() != 0 ) children = TRUE; else children = FALSE; // redisplay transactions incorporating any transaction preference changes transactiondisplay->listview->clear(); QString displaytext = "%"; displaytext.prepend ( transactiondisplay->limitbox->text() ); if ( transaction->getNumberOfTransactions() > 0 ) transaction->displayTransactions ( transactiondisplay->listview, accountid, children, displaytext ); if ( transfer->getNumberOfTransfers() != 0 ) transfer->displayTransfers ( transactiondisplay->listview, accountid, children ); } else { accountdisplay->listview->clearSelection(); maintabs->setTabEnabled ( tab_2, FALSE ); } } void QashMoney::displayAccountPreferencesDialog () { // display a dialog for setting preferences for accounts AccountPreferences *ap = new AccountPreferences ( this ); ap->exec (); if ( accountdisplay->isVisible() && account->getNumberOfAccounts() != 0 ) { accountdisplay->listview->clear(); account->displayAccounts ( accountdisplay->listview ); accountdisplay->listview->clearSelection(); maintabs->setTabEnabled ( tab_2, FALSE ); } changeTabDisplay(); } void QashMoney::displayMemoryDialog () { // opens a dialog to add, edit and delete memory items MemoryDialog *md = new MemoryDialog (); md->exec(); } void QashMoney::showTransactions () { maintabs->setCurrentPage ( 1 ); } void QashMoney::enableOneTouchViewing () { if ( preferences->getPreference ( 5 ) == 1 ) connect ( accountdisplay->listview, SIGNAL ( selectionChanged () ), this, SLOT ( showTransactions () ) ); else disconnect ( accountdisplay->listview, SIGNAL ( selectionChanged () ), this, SLOT ( showTransactions () ) ); } void QashMoney::disableOneTouchViewing () { disconnect ( accountdisplay->listview, SIGNAL ( selectionChanged () ), this, SLOT ( showTransactions () ) ); } void QashMoney::toggleOneTouchViewing ( bool state ) { if ( state == TRUE ) disableOneTouchViewing(); else enableOneTouchViewing(); }