#include "transfer.h" #include "account.h" #include "transactiondisplay.h" #include #include extern Account *account; extern Preferences *preferences; Transfer::Transfer () { db = sqlite_open ( "qmtransfers.db", 0, 0 ); } Transfer::~Transfer () { sqlite_close ( db ); } void Transfer::addTransfer ( int fromaccount, int fromparent, int toaccount, int toparent, int day, int month, int year, float amount, int cleared ) { int nextrowid = -1; char **results; sqlite_get_table ( db, "select count() from transfers;", &results, 0, 0, 0 ); if ( atoi ( results [ 1 ] ) != 0 ) { char **results; sqlite_get_table ( db, "select min ( rowid ) from transfers;", &results, 0, 0, 0 ); nextrowid = ( atoi ( results [ 1 ] ) ) - 1; } sqlite_exec_printf ( db, "insert into transfers values ( %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, 0, 0, %.2f, %i, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, %i );", 0, 0, 0, fromaccount, fromparent, toaccount, toparent, day, month, year, amount, cleared, nextrowid ); } void Transfer::updateTransfer ( int fromaccount, int fromparent, int toaccount, int toparent, int day, int month, int year, float amount, int cleared, int transferid ) { sqlite_exec_printf ( db, "update transfers set fromaccount = %i, fromparent = %i, toaccount = %i, toparent = %i, day = %i, month = %i, year = %i, amount = %.2f, cleared = %i where transferid = %i;", 0, 0, 0, fromaccount, fromparent, toaccount, toparent, day, month, year, amount, cleared, transferid ); } void Transfer::deleteTransfer ( int transferid ) { sqlite_exec_printf ( db, "delete from transfers where transferid = %i;", 0, 0, 0, transferid ); } void Transfer::deleteAllTransfers ( int accountid ) { sqlite_exec_printf ( db, "delete from transfers where fromaccount = %i;", 0, 0, 0, accountid ); sqlite_exec_printf ( db, "delete from transfers where toaccount = %i;", 0, 0, 0, accountid ); } int Transfer::getNumberOfTransfers () { char **results; sqlite_get_table ( db, "select count() from transfers;", &results, 0, 0, 0 ); return atoi ( results [ 1 ] ); } int Transfer::getNumberOfTransfers ( int accountid ) { char **results; sqlite_get_table_printf ( db, "select count() from transfers where fromaccount = %i;", &results, 0, 0, 0, accountid ); int transfers = atoi ( results [ 1 ] ); sqlite_get_table_printf ( db, "select count() from transfers where toaccount = %i;", &results, 0, 0, 0, accountid ); transfers = transfers + atoi ( results [ 1 ] ); return transfers; } void Transfer::displayTransfers ( QListView *listview, int accountid, bool children, QDate displaydate ) { int showcleared = preferences->getPreference ( 3 ); // select the from transfers to display char **results; int rows, columns; if ( account->getParentAccountID ( accountid ) == -1 && children == TRUE ) { if ( showcleared == 0 ) sqlite_get_table_printf ( db, "select day, month, year, amount, transferid, fromaccount, toaccount from transfers where cleared = 0 and toparent = %i;", &results, &rows, &columns, 0, accountid ); else sqlite_get_table_printf ( db, "select day, month, year, amount, transferid, fromaccount, toaccount from transfers where toparent = %i;", &results, &rows, &columns, 0, accountid ); } else { if ( showcleared == 0 ) sqlite_get_table_printf ( db, "select day, month, year, amount, transferid, fromaccount, toaccount from transfers where cleared = 0 and toaccount = %i;", &results, &rows, &columns, 0, accountid ); else sqlite_get_table_printf ( db, "select day, month, year, amount, transferid, fromaccount, toaccount from transfers where toaccount = %i;", &results, &rows, &columns, 0, accountid ); } // iterate through the list and display the from items int counter = 7; int position = 0; while ( counter < ( ( rows + 1 ) * columns ) ) { // construct the date QString daystring = results [ counter ]; int day = daystring.toInt (); QString monthstring = results [ counter + 1 ]; int month = monthstring.toInt (); QString yearstring = results [ counter + 2 ]; int year = yearstring.toInt (); QString date = preferences->getDate ( year, month, day ); QDate testdate ( year, month, day ); //construct the amount and id strings QString amount = results [ counter + 3 ]; QString id = results [ counter + 4 ]; // construct the transaction name QString transactionname = "FROM: "; QString temp1 = results [ counter + 5 ]; transactionname.append ( account->getAccountName ( temp1.toInt() ) ); QString toaccount = account->getAccountName ( atol ( results [ counter + 6 ] ) ); if ( testdate >= displaydate || showcleared == 0 ) { // display this transfer if ( account->getParentAccountID ( accountid ) == -1 ) { if ( showcleared == 1 && getCleared ( id.toInt() ) == 1 ) ColorListItem *item = new ColorListItem ( listview, date, transactionname, amount, id, toaccount ); else QListViewItem *item = new QListViewItem ( listview, date, transactionname, amount, id, toaccount ); } else { if ( showcleared == 1 && getCleared ( id.toInt() ) == 1 ) ColorListItem *item = new ColorListItem ( listview, date, transactionname, amount, id ); else QListViewItem *item = new QListViewItem ( listview, date, transactionname, amount, id ); } } counter = counter + 7; } // select the to transfers to display char **toresults; rows = 0; columns = 0; if ( account->getParentAccountID ( accountid ) == -1 && children == TRUE ) { if ( showcleared == 0 ) sqlite_get_table_printf ( db, "select day, month, year, amount, transferid, fromaccount, toaccount from transfers where cleared = 0 and fromparent = %i;", &toresults, &rows, &columns, 0, accountid ); else sqlite_get_table_printf ( db, "select day, month, year, amount, transferid, fromaccount, toaccount from transfers where fromparent = %i;", &toresults, &rows, &columns, 0, accountid ); } else { if ( showcleared == 0 ) sqlite_get_table_printf ( db, "select day, month, year, amount, transferid, fromaccount, toaccount from transfers where cleared = 0 and fromaccount = %i;", &toresults, &rows, &columns, 0, accountid ); else sqlite_get_table_printf ( db, "select day, month, year, amount, transferid, fromaccount, toaccount from transfers where fromaccount = %i;", &toresults, &rows, &columns, 0, accountid ); } // iterate through the list and display the from items counter = 7; position = 0; while ( counter < ( ( rows + 1 ) * columns ) ) { // construct the date QString daystring = toresults [ counter ]; int day = daystring.toInt (); QString monthstring = toresults [ counter + 1 ]; int month = monthstring.toInt (); QString yearstring = toresults [ counter + 2 ]; int year = yearstring.toInt (); QString date = preferences->getDate ( year, month, day ); QDate testdate ( year, month, day ); //construct the amount and id strings QString amount = toresults [ counter + 3 ]; amount.prepend ( "-" ); QString id = toresults [ counter + 4 ]; // construct the transaction name QString transactionname = "TO: "; QString temp1 = toresults [ counter + 6 ]; transactionname.append ( account->getAccountName ( temp1.toInt() ) ); QString fromaccount = account->getAccountName ( atol ( toresults [ counter + 5 ] ) ); if ( testdate >= displaydate || showcleared == 0 ) { // display this transfer if ( account->getParentAccountID ( accountid ) == -1 ) { if ( showcleared == 1 && getCleared ( id.toInt() ) == 1 ) ColorListItem *item = new ColorListItem ( listview, date, transactionname, amount, id, fromaccount ); else QListViewItem *item = new QListViewItem ( listview, date, transactionname, amount, id, fromaccount ); } else { if ( showcleared == 1 && getCleared ( id.toInt() ) == 1 ) ColorListItem *item = new ColorListItem ( listview, date, transactionname, amount, id ); else QListViewItem *item = new QListViewItem ( listview, date, transactionname, amount, id ); } } counter = counter + 7; } } int Transfer::getCleared ( int id ) { char **results; sqlite_get_table_printf ( db, "select cleared from transfers where transferid= %i;", &results, 0, 0, 0, id ); return atoi ( results [ 1 ] ); } void Transfer::setCleared ( int id, int cleared ) { sqlite_exec_printf ( db, "update transfers set cleared = %i where transferid = %i;", 0, 0, 0, cleared, id ); } int Transfer::getFromAccountID ( int id ) { char **results; sqlite_get_table_printf ( db, "select fromaccount from transfers where transferid= %i;", &results, 0, 0, 0, id ); return atoi ( results [ 1 ] ); } int Transfer::getToAccountID ( int id ) { char **results; sqlite_get_table_printf ( db, "select toaccount from transfers where transferid= %i;", &results, 0, 0, 0, id ); return atoi ( results [ 1 ] ); } int Transfer::getDay ( int id ) { char **results; sqlite_get_table_printf ( db, "select day from transfers where transferid= %i;", &results, 0, 0, 0, id ); return atoi ( results [ 1 ] ); } int Transfer::getMonth ( int id ) { char **results; sqlite_get_table_printf ( db, "select month from transfers where transferid= %i;", &results, 0, 0, 0, id ); return atoi ( results [ 1 ] ); } int Transfer::getYear ( int id ) { char **results; sqlite_get_table_printf ( db, "select year from transfers where transferid= %i;", &results, 0, 0, 0, id ); return atoi ( results [ 1 ] ); } QString Transfer::getAmount ( int id ) { char **results; sqlite_get_table_printf ( db, "select amount from transfers where transferid= %i;", &results, 0, 0, 0, id ); return results [ 1 ]; }