/********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "csvsource.h" #include "common.h" #include "datacache.h" #include #include #include #include DBCsv::DBCsv(DBStore *d) { dstore = d; } DBCsv::~DBCsv() { } QString DBCsv::type() { return "csv"; } QStringList readElem(QString in) { QStringList out; if (in.isEmpty()) return out; bool firstChar = TRUE; bool quotedElem = FALSE; uint index = 0; while(index < in.length()) { if(firstChar) { /* skip whitespace */ while(index < in.length() && in[index] == ' ') index++; if(in[index] == '"') { quotedElem = TRUE; index++; } } /* real first char */ QString elem; if(quotedElem) { while(index < in.length() && in[index] != '"') { /* check for escape character */ if (in[index] == '\\') { if (index++ < in.length()) { elem.append(in[index]); index++; } } else { elem.append(in[index]); index++; } } } else { while(index < in.length() && in[index] != ',') { if (in[index] == '\\') { if (index++ < in.length()) { elem.append(in[index]); index++; } } else { elem.append(in[index]); index++; } } } /* we have our current elem */ out << elem.stripWhiteSpace(); firstChar = TRUE; quotedElem = FALSE; /* skip till a , or end of line */ while (index < in.length() && in[index] != ',') index++; if(index == in.length()) return out; else index++; } return out; } bool DBCsv::openSource(QIODevice *inDev) { QTextStream tsIn(inDev); QString in = tsIn.readLine().stripWhiteSpace(); QStringList keys; keys = readElem(in); QMap keyIndexes; KeyList *keyR = new KeyList(); QStringList::Iterator i = keys.begin(); uint fileIndex = 0; while(i != keys.end()) { if ((*i).isEmpty()) keyIndexes.insert(fileIndex, keyR->addKey("Unamed", TVVariant::String)); else keyIndexes.insert(fileIndex, keyR->addKey(*i, TVVariant::String)); i++; fileIndex++; } dstore->setKeys(keyR); in = tsIn.readLine().stripWhiteSpace(); while(!in.isNull()) { QStringList elems = readElem(in); i = elems.begin(); fileIndex = 0; DataElem *current_data = new DataElem(dstore); while(i != elems.end()) { if(!(*i).isEmpty()) { current_data->setField(keyIndexes[fileIndex], *i); } fileIndex++; i++; } dstore->addItem(current_data); in = tsIn.readLine().stripWhiteSpace(); } return TRUE; } bool DBCsv::saveSource(QIODevice *outDev) { /* try not to use the escape character when possible. */ int i; DataElem *elem; KeyList *k; QTextStream outstream(outDev); k = dstore->getKeys(); KeyListIterator it(*k); while(it.current()) { if(!it.current()->delFlag()) { QString name = it.current()->name(); name.replace(QRegExp("\\"), "\\\\"); name.replace(QRegExp("\""), "\\\""); if(name.find(',') != -1) { name.prepend('\"'); name.append('\"'); } outstream << name; } ++it; if(it.current()) outstream << ", "; } outstream << "\n"; dstore->first(); do { elem = dstore->getCurrentData(); if(!elem) break; it.toFirst(); while(it.current()) { i = it.currentKey(); if (elem->hasValidValue(i)) { QString name = elem->toQString(i); name.replace(QRegExp("\\"), "\\\\"); name.replace(QRegExp("\""), "\\\""); if(name.find(',') != -1) { name.prepend('\"'); name.append('\"'); } outstream << name; } ++it; if(it.current()) outstream << ", "; } outstream << "\n"; } while (dstore->next()); return TRUE; }