/* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Jochen Wilhelmy digisnap@cs.tu-berlin.de (C) 2002, 2001 The Kate Team (C) 2002 Joseph Wenninger This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef _HIGHLIGHT_H_ #define _HIGHLIGHT_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../qt3back/qregexp3.h" #include class SyntaxDocument; struct syntaxModeListItem; struct syntaxContextData; class QCheckBox; class QComboBox; class QLineEdit; class TextLine; class Attribute; class HlItem { public: HlItem(int attribute, int context); virtual ~HlItem(); virtual bool startEnable(QChar); virtual const QChar *checkHgl(const QChar *, int len, bool) = 0; QList *subItems; int attr; int ctx; }; class HlCharDetect : public HlItem { public: HlCharDetect(int attribute, int context, QChar); virtual const QChar *checkHgl(const QChar *, int len, bool); protected: QChar sChar; }; class Hl2CharDetect : public HlItem { public: Hl2CharDetect(int attribute, int context, QChar ch1, QChar ch2); Hl2CharDetect(int attribute, int context, const QChar *ch); virtual const QChar *checkHgl(const QChar *, int len, bool); protected: QChar sChar1; QChar sChar2; }; class HlStringDetect : public HlItem { public: HlStringDetect(int attribute, int context, const QString &, bool inSensitive=false); virtual ~HlStringDetect(); virtual const QChar *checkHgl(const QChar *, int len, bool); protected: const QString str; bool _inSensitive; }; class HlRangeDetect : public HlItem { public: HlRangeDetect(int attribute, int context, QChar ch1, QChar ch2); virtual const QChar *checkHgl(const QChar *, int len, bool); protected: QChar sChar1; QChar sChar2; }; class HlKeyword : public HlItem { public: HlKeyword(int attribute, int context,bool casesensitive, const QChar *deliminator, uint deliLen); virtual ~HlKeyword(); virtual void addWord(const QString &); virtual void addList(const QStringList &); virtual const QChar *checkHgl(const QChar *, int len, bool); QStringList getList() { return words;}; virtual bool startEnable(QChar c); protected: QStringList words; QDict dict; bool _caseSensitive; const QChar *deliminatorChars; uint deliminatorLen; }; class HlPHex : public HlItem { public: HlPHex(int attribute,int context); virtual const QChar *checkHgl(const QChar *, int len, bool); }; class HlInt : public HlItem { public: HlInt(int attribute, int context); virtual const QChar *checkHgl(const QChar *, int len, bool); }; class HlFloat : public HlItem { public: HlFloat(int attribute, int context); virtual const QChar *checkHgl(const QChar *, int len, bool); }; class HlCInt : public HlInt { public: HlCInt(int attribute, int context); virtual const QChar *checkHgl(const QChar *, int len, bool); }; class HlCOct : public HlItem { public: HlCOct(int attribute, int context); virtual const QChar *checkHgl(const QChar *, int len, bool); }; class HlCHex : public HlItem { public: HlCHex(int attribute, int context); virtual const QChar *checkHgl(const QChar *, int len, bool); }; class HlCFloat : public HlFloat { public: HlCFloat(int attribute, int context); virtual const QChar *checkHgl(const QChar *, int len, bool); }; class HlLineContinue : public HlItem { public: HlLineContinue(int attribute, int context); virtual bool endEnable(QChar c) {return c == '\0';} virtual const QChar *checkHgl(const QChar *, int len, bool); }; class HlCStringChar : public HlItem { public: HlCStringChar(int attribute, int context); virtual const QChar *checkHgl(const QChar *, int len, bool); }; class HlCChar : public HlItem { public: HlCChar(int attribute, int context); virtual const QChar *checkHgl(const QChar *, int len, bool); }; class HlAnyChar : public HlItem { public: HlAnyChar(int attribute, int context, const QChar* charList, uint len); virtual const QChar *checkHgl(const QChar *, int len, bool); const QChar* _charList; uint _charListLen; }; class HlRegExpr : public HlItem { public: HlRegExpr(int attribute, int context,QString expr); ~HlRegExpr(){delete Expr;}; virtual const QChar *checkHgl(const QChar *, int len, bool); QRegExp3 *Expr; bool handlesLinestart; }; //-------- //Item Style: color, selected color, bold, italic class ItemStyle { public: ItemStyle(); // ItemStyle(const ItemStyle &); ItemStyle(const QColor &, const QColor &, bool bold, bool italic); ItemStyle(ItemStyle *its){col=its->col;selCol=its->selCol; bold=its->bold; italic=its->italic;} // void setData(const ItemStyle &); QColor col; QColor selCol; int bold; //boolean value int italic; //boolean value }; typedef QList ItemStyleList; //Item Properties: name, Item Style, Item Font class ItemData : public ItemStyle { public: ItemData(const QString name, int defStyleNum); ItemData(const QString name, int defStyleNum, const QColor&, const QColor&, bool bold, bool italic); ItemData(ItemData *itd):ItemStyle((ItemStyle*)itd),name(itd->name),defStyleNum(itd->defStyleNum),defStyle(itd->defStyle){;} const QString name; int defStyleNum; int defStyle; //boolean value }; typedef QList ItemDataList; class HlData { public: HlData(const QString &wildcards, const QString &mimetypes,const QString &identifier); ItemDataList itemDataList; QString wildcards; QString mimetypes; QString identifier; }; typedef QList HlDataList; class HlManager; class KateConfig; //context class HlContext { public: HlContext(int attribute, int lineEndContext,int _lineBeginContext); QList items; int attr; int ctx; int lineBeginContext; }; class Highlight { friend class HlManager; public: Highlight(syntaxModeListItem *def); ~Highlight(); int doHighlight(int ctxNum, TextLine *); KateConfig *getKateConfig(); QString getWildcards(); QString getMimetypes(); HlData *getData(); void setData(HlData *); void getItemDataList(ItemDataList &); void getItemDataList(ItemDataList &, KateConfig *); void setItemDataList(ItemDataList &, KateConfig *); QString name() {return iName;} QString section() {return iSection;} void use(); void release(); bool isInWord(QChar c); QString getCommentStart() {return cmlStart;}; QString getCommentEnd() {return cmlEnd;}; QString getCommentSingleLineStart() { return cslStart;}; protected: void init(); void done(); void makeContextList (); void createItemData (ItemDataList &list); void readGlobalKeywordConfig(); void readCommentConfig(); HlItem *createHlItem(struct syntaxContextData *data, ItemDataList &iDl); int lookupAttrName(const QString& name, ItemDataList &iDl); ItemDataList internalIDList; static const int nContexts = 32; HlContext *contextList[nContexts]; bool noHl; bool casesensitive; QString weakDeliminator; QString deliminator; const QChar *deliminatorChars; uint deliminatorLen; QString cmlStart; QString cmlEnd; QString cslStart; QString iName; QString iSection; QString iWildcards; QString iMimetypes; QString identifier; int refCount; }; class HlManager : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: HlManager(); ~HlManager(); static HlManager *self(); Highlight *getHl(int n); int defaultHl(); int nameFind(const QString &name); int wildcardFind(const QString &fileName); int findHl(Highlight *h) {return hlList.find(h);} int makeAttribs(Highlight *, Attribute *, int maxAttribs); int defaultStyles(); QString defaultStyleName(int n); void getDefaults(ItemStyleList &); void setDefaults(ItemStyleList &); int highlights(); QString hlName(int n); QString hlSection(int n); void getHlDataList(HlDataList &); void setHlDataList(HlDataList &); SyntaxDocument *syntax; signals: void changed(); protected: QList hlList; static HlManager *s_pSelf; }; #endif //_HIGHLIGHT_H_