KVNCConnDlgBase QDialog name KVNCConnDlgBase geometry 0 0 253 408 caption VNC Viewer Connection layoutMargin margin 11 spacing 6 QTabWidget name TabWidget3 QWidget name tab title Server margin 11 spacing 6 QLineEdit name serverPassword autoMask true echoMode Password whatsThis The password of the VNC server QCheckBox name togglePassword sizePolicy 7 0 text Show Password whatsThis Toggle obscuring the password QLabel name TextLabel3 text Password: QLineEdit name serverBookmark whatsThis The name of the VNC server QLabel name TextLabel1_2 text Bookmark Name: QLineEdit name serverHostname whatsThis The host name of the VNC server QLabel name hostname text Host Name: QLabel name TextLabel2_2 text Display Number: QSpinBox name serverDisplay sizePolicy 7 0 maxValue 500 minValue 0 value 0 whatsThis The display number of the VNC server name Spacer4 orientation Vertical sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QWidget name tab title Options margin 11 spacing 6 QCheckBox name shared sizePolicy 7 0 text Request shared session whatsThis Allow other users to connect to the VNC server name Spacer2 orientation Vertical sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QCheckBox name bit sizePolicy 7 0 text Request 8-bit session whatsThis Request that the VNC server transfer 8 bit color QSpinBox name timeBox sizePolicy 7 0 maxValue 500 minValue 1 whatsThis Delay between requesting updates from the server QComboBox text 1 text 2 text 4 name scaleFactor sizePolicy 7 0 whatsThis Scale the remote display to fit on the PDA (Slow) QLabel name TextLabel2_3 text Scale Factor QLabel name TextLabel2 text Milliseconds QCheckBox name deIconify sizePolicy 7 0 text Raise on bell QLabel name TextLabel1 text Check for screen updates every: QWidget name tab title Encodings margin 11 spacing 6 name Spacer3 orientation Vertical sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QCheckBox name hex enabled false sizePolicy 7 0 text Hextile encoding QCheckBox name corre enabled false sizePolicy 7 0 text CoRRE encoding QCheckBox name rre enabled false sizePolicy 7 0 text RRE encoding QCheckBox name copyRect sizePolicy 7 0 text Copy rectangle encoding whatsThis Enable transmiting identical rectangles as references to existing data TabWidget3 serverHostname serverDisplay serverPassword serverBookmark timeBox bit deIconify shared hex corre rre copyRect