#include "SDL.h" #include "constants.h" #include "font.h" #include "help.h" #include "sfcave.h" #include "starfield.h" Help :: Help( SFCave *p ) { parent = p; stars = new StarField( false, 200 ); loadText(); init(); } Help :: ~Help() { delete stars; } void Help :: handleKeys( SDL_KeyboardEvent &key ) { if ( key.type == SDL_KEYDOWN ) { if ( key.keysym.sym == SDLK_SPACE ) parent->changeState( STATE_MENU ); else if ( key.keysym.sym == SDLK_DOWN ) textSpeed = 5; else if ( key.keysym.sym == SDLK_UP ) { if ( textSpeed > 0 ) textSpeed = 0; else textSpeed = 1; } } else if ( key.type == SDL_KEYUP ) { if ( key.keysym.sym == SDLK_DOWN ) textSpeed = 1; } } void Help :: init() { startPos = 320; currLine = 0; textSpeed = 1; // Create our coloured font FontHandler :: changeColor( FONT_HELP_FONT, 0, 0, 255 ); } void Help :: draw( SDL_Surface *screen ) { stars->draw( screen ); list::iterator it = textList.begin(); // Move to start of text for ( int i = 0 ; i < currLine && it != textList.end() ; ++i ) it++; int pos = startPos; while ( pos < 320 && it != textList.end() ) { // get next line string text = *it; // draw text FontHandler::draw( screen, FONT_COLOURED_TEXT, text.c_str(), -1, pos ); pos += FontHandler::FontHeight( FONT_COLOURED_TEXT ); it ++; } } void Help :: update() { stars->move(); startPos -= textSpeed; if ( startPos <= -FontHandler::FontHeight( FONT_COLOURED_TEXT ) ) { startPos = 0; currLine ++; if ( currLine > textList.size() ) { startPos = 320; currLine = 0; } } } void Help :: loadText() { textList.push_back( "SFCave" ); textList.push_back( "Written By AndyQ" ); textList.push_back( "" ); textList.push_back( "Instructions" ); textList.push_back( "To return to the menu" ); textList.push_back( "press the space or " ); textList.push_back( "middle button." ); textList.push_back( "" ); textList.push_back( "To speed up the text" ); textList.push_back( "hold the down button" ); textList.push_back( "(releasing will return" ); textList.push_back( "to normal speed)" ); textList.push_back( "" ); textList.push_back( "" ); textList.push_back( "SFCave is a flying game" ); textList.push_back( "writtin originally for the" ); textList.push_back( "Sharp Zaurus." ); textList.push_back( "" ); textList.push_back( "The aim is to stay alive" ); textList.push_back( "for as long as possible," ); textList.push_back( "and get the highest score" ); textList.push_back( "you can." ); textList.push_back( "" ); textList.push_back( "There are currently three" ); textList.push_back( "game types - SFCave," ); textList.push_back( "Gates, and Fly." ); textList.push_back( "" ); textList.push_back( "SFCave is a remake of" ); textList.push_back( "the classic SFCave game." ); textList.push_back( "Fly through the cavern" ); textList.push_back( "avoiding all the blocks" ); textList.push_back( "that just happen to be" ); textList.push_back( "hanging in mid-air" ); textList.push_back( "" ); textList.push_back( "Gates is similar to" ); textList.push_back( "SFCave but instead of" ); textList.push_back( "avoiding blocks you must" ); textList.push_back( "fly through gates without" ); textList.push_back( "crashing." ); textList.push_back( "" ); textList.push_back( "Fly is a different kettle of" ); textList.push_back( "fish altogether. Instead," ); textList.push_back( "you are flying in the " ); textList.push_back( "open air above a" ); textList.push_back( "scrolling landscape and" ); textList.push_back( "the aim is to fly as close" ); textList.push_back( "to the land as possible." ); textList.push_back( "The closer to the land" ); textList.push_back( "you fly the more points" ); textList.push_back( "you score. But beware," ); textList.push_back( "fly too high above the" ); textList.push_back( "land and points get" ); textList.push_back( "deducted." ); textList.push_back( "" ); textList.push_back( "How to play" ); textList.push_back( "Press the space or middle" ); textList.push_back( "button (Zaurus only) to " ); textList.push_back( "apply thrust (makes you" ); textList.push_back( "go up) and release it" ); textList.push_back( "to go down." ); textList.push_back( "" ); textList.push_back( "Have fun" ); textList.push_back( "AndyQ" ); } // Test #ifdef DEBUG_HELP SDL_Surface *screen; Help *help; void go() { FontHandler :: init(); /* Initialize SDL */ if ( SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize SDL: %s\n",SDL_GetError()); exit(1); } atexit(SDL_Quit); int videoflags = SDL_SWSURFACE ; if ( (screen=SDL_SetVideoMode(240, 320,32,videoflags)) == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't set %ix%i video mode: %s\n",240,320,SDL_GetError()); exit(2); } help = new Help(); bool done = false; while ( !done ) { SDL_FillRect( screen, 0, 0 ); help->draw( screen ); help->update( ); SDL_Flip( screen ); SDL_Delay( 10 ); SDL_Event event; while ( SDL_PollEvent(&event) ) { switch (event.type) { case SDL_KEYDOWN: // Escape keypress quits the app if ( event.key.keysym.sym != SDLK_ESCAPE ) { break; } case SDL_QUIT: done = 1; break; default: break; } } } } #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" #endif int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { go(); } #endif