#include #include #include #include #include "settings.h" #define DEFAULT_DIR "." #define DEFAULT_FILE "Settings.cfg" #define MAX_LINE_SIZE 2048 Settings::Settings( char * env_file, char * env_dir ) { // Store the correct environment directory if (env_dir == NULL) { char * homeDir = getenv( "HOME" );; if ( homeDir ) { envFile.append(homeDir); envFile.append("/"); } else printf( "Environment var HOME not set!\n" ); envFile.append(DEFAULT_DIR); } else envFile.append(env_dir); envFile.append("/"); // Store the correct environment file if (env_file == NULL) envFile.append(DEFAULT_FILE); else envFile.append(env_file); } Settings::Settings() { char * homeDir = getenv("HOME"); if ( homeDir) { envFile.append(homeDir); envFile.append("/"); } else printf( "Environment var HOME not set!\n" ); envFile.append(DEFAULT_DIR); envFile.append("/"); envFile.append(DEFAULT_FILE); } Settings::~Settings() { } bool Settings::readSetting(const string key_str,int& result) { string Buffer; if (readSetting(key_str,Buffer)) { result = atoi(Buffer.c_str()); return true; } else return false; } bool Settings::readSetting(const string key_str,unsigned int& result) { string Buffer; if (readSetting(key_str,Buffer)) { result = atoi(Buffer.c_str()); return true; } else return false; } bool Settings::readSetting(const string key_str,long int& result) { string Buffer; if (readSetting(key_str,Buffer)) { result = atol(Buffer.c_str()); return true; } else return false; } bool Settings::readSetting(const string key_str,unsigned long& result) { string Buffer; if (readSetting(key_str,Buffer)) { result = atol(Buffer.c_str()); return true; } else return false; } bool Settings::readSetting(const string key_str,bool& result) { string Buffer; if (readSetting(key_str,Buffer)) { result = (Buffer == "true"); return true; } else return false; } bool Settings::readSetting(const string key_str,string& results) { // This function will read a string from the env file that corresponds to the // key key_str passed in. FILE * fd = 0; char buf[MAX_LINE_SIZE]; bool ret_flag = false; char* key; char* value; // open file fd = fopen(envFile.c_str(), "r"); if (fd) { while (fgets(buf, MAX_LINE_SIZE-1, fd)) { key = strtok(buf, "\t"); value = strtok(NULL, "\n"); // find key in file if (!strcasecmp(key,key_str.c_str())) { results = value; ret_flag = true; } } fclose(fd); } return(ret_flag); } void Settings::writeSetting(const string key_str,const bool value) { value ? writeSetting(key_str,string("true")) :writeSetting(key_str,string("false")); } void Settings::writeSetting(const string key_str,const int value) { char Buffer[30]; sprintf(Buffer,"%i",value); writeSetting(key_str,string(Buffer)); } void Settings::writeSetting(const string key_str,const unsigned int value) { char Buffer[30]; sprintf(Buffer,"%i",value); writeSetting(key_str,string(Buffer)); } void Settings::writeSetting(const string key_str,const long int value) { char Buffer[30]; sprintf(Buffer,"%li",value); writeSetting(key_str,string(Buffer)); } void Settings::writeSetting(const string key_str,const unsigned long value) { char Buffer[30]; sprintf(Buffer,"%lu",value); writeSetting(key_str,string(Buffer)); } void Settings::writeSetting(const string key_str,const string value) { // This function will write a value for the key key_str. If the key_str // already exists then it will be overwritten. std::vector FileEntries; FILE *fd=NULL,*ftemp=NULL; char * dir_str; char * dir_ptr; char buf[MAX_LINE_SIZE]; char tempname[12]; dir_str = strdup(envFile.c_str()); printf( "dir = %s, file - %s\n", dir_str, envFile.c_str() ); if (dir_str) { // remove file from the directory string dir_ptr = strrchr(dir_str, (int)'/'); if (dir_ptr) { *dir_ptr = 0; // make the directory path if it does not exist // mkdir(dir_str, 777 ); // if file exists we need to save contents if ((fd = fopen(envFile.c_str(), "r")) != NULL) { while (fgets(buf, MAX_LINE_SIZE-1, fd)) FileEntries.push_back(string(buf)); fclose(fd); } char *home = getenv( "HOME" ); string tmp; if ( home ) tmp = home + string( "/" ) + "tmpsfcave.dat"; else tmp = "./tmpsfcave.dat"; strcpy(tempname,tmp.c_str() ); printf( "tmp - %s\n", tempname ); if ((ftemp = fopen(tempname,"w")) != NULL) { char *key1,*key2; char buff1[80],buff2[80]; strncpy(buff1,key_str.c_str(),80); key1 = strtok(buff1,"\t"); for (std::vector::iterator iter = FileEntries.begin(); iter < FileEntries.end(); iter++) { strncpy(buff2,(*iter).c_str(),80); key2 = strtok(buff2,"\t"); // IF not the key string then write out to file if (strcmp(key1,key2) != 0) { fprintf(ftemp,"%s",iter->c_str()); fflush(ftemp); } } fprintf(ftemp, "%s\t%s\n", key_str.c_str(),value.c_str()); fflush(ftemp); fclose(ftemp); remove(envFile.c_str()); rename( tempname, envFile.c_str() ); } else printf( "Can't open file %s\n", envFile.c_str() ); } delete dir_str; } } void Settings::deleteFile(void) { remove(envFile.c_str()); }