#include "SDL_gfxPrimitives.h" #include "constants.h" #include "sfcave_game.h" #include "random.h" SFCaveGame :: SFCaveGame( SFCave *p, int w, int h, int diff ) : Game( p, w, h, diff ) { gameName = "SFCave"; difficulty = MENU_DIFFICULTY_EASY; blockUpdateRate = 200; terrain = new Terrain( w, h ); player = new Player( w, h ); highScore = 0; } SFCaveGame :: ~SFCaveGame() { } void SFCaveGame :: init() { Game :: init(); blockDistance = 50; blockHeight = 80; blockWidth = 20; switch( difficulty ) { case MENU_DIFFICULTY_EASY: blockDistance = 50; break; case MENU_DIFFICULTY_NORMAL: blockDistance = 40; break; case MENU_DIFFICULTY_HARD: blockDistance = 30; break; case MENU_DIFFICULTY_CUSTOM: { // Read custom difficulty settings for this game blockDistance = parent->loadIntSetting( "SFCave_custom_blockdistance", 50 ); double thrust = parent->loadDoubleSetting( "SFCave_custom_player_thrust", 0.4 ); double gravity = parent->loadDoubleSetting( "SFCave_custom_player_gravity", 0.6 ); double maxUp = parent->loadDoubleSetting( "SFCave_custom_player_maxupspeed", 4.0 ); double maxDown = parent->loadDoubleSetting( "SFCave_custom_player_maxdownspeed", 5.0 ); player->setMovementInfo( thrust, gravity, maxUp, maxDown ); break; } } for ( int i = 0 ; i < BLOCKSIZE ; ++i ) blocks[i].y( -1 ); } void SFCaveGame :: update( int state ) { Game::update( state ); if ( state == STATE_PLAYING ) { if ( nrFrames % 3 == 0 ) score ++; if ( nrFrames % 200 == 0 ) { if ( terrain->getMaxHeight() < sHeight - 100 ) { terrain->increaseMaxHeight( 10 ); // Reduce block height if ( terrain->getMaxHeight() > sHeight - 150 ) blockHeight -= 5; } } if ( checkCollisions() ) { parent->changeState( STATE_CRASHING ); return; } if ( nrFrames % blockDistance == 0 ) addBlock(); // Game logic goes here terrain->moveTerrain( 5 ); moveBlocks( 5 ); player->move( press ); } } void SFCaveGame :: draw( SDL_Surface *screen ) { Game::preDraw( screen ); if ( parent->getState() == STATE_PLAYING ) { // Screen drawing goes here terrain->drawTerrain( screen ); player->draw( screen ); drawBlocks( screen ); } else { // Screen drawing goes here terrain->drawTerrain( screen ); drawBlocks( screen ); player->draw( screen ); } Game::draw( screen ); } void SFCaveGame :: addBlock() { for ( int i = 0 ; i < BLOCKSIZE ; ++i ) { if ( blocks[i].y() == -1 ) { int x = sWidth; int y = terrain->getMapTop( MAPSIZE-1 ) + (int)(nextInt(terrain->getMapBottom( MAPSIZE-1 ) - terrain->getMapTop( MAPSIZE-1 ) - blockHeight)); blocks[i].setRect( x, y, blockWidth, blockHeight ); break; } } } void SFCaveGame :: moveBlocks( int amountToMove ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < BLOCKSIZE ; ++i ) { if ( blocks[i].y() != -1 ) { blocks[i].moveBy( -amountToMove, 0 ); if ( blocks[i].x() + blocks[i].y() < 0 ) blocks[i].y( -1 ); } } } void SFCaveGame :: drawBlocks( SDL_Surface *screen ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < BLOCKSIZE ; ++i ) { if ( blocks[i].y() != -1 ) { SDL_Rect r = blocks[i].getRect(); SDL_FillRect( screen, &r, SDL_MapRGB( screen->format, 100, 100, 255 ) ); } } } bool SFCaveGame :: checkCollisions() { // Check collisions with blocks for ( int i = 0 ; i < BLOCKSIZE ; ++i ) { if ( blocks[i].y() != -1 ) { if ( blocks[i].intersects( player->getPos() ) ) return true; } } // Check collision with landscape return terrain->checkCollision( player->getX(), player->getY(), player->getHeight() ); }