/*************************************************************************** linesboard.cpp - description ------------------- begin : Fri May 19 2000 copyright : (C) 2000 by Roman Merzlyakov email : roman@sbrf.barrt.ru copyright : (C) 2000 by Roman Razilov email : Roman.Razilov@gmx.de ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include "linesboard.h" /* Constructs a LinesBoard widget. */ LinesBoard::LinesBoard( BallPainter * abPainter, QWidget* parent, const char* name ) : Field( parent, name ) { anim = ANIM_NO; // waypos = 0; // waylen = 0; // jumpingRow = -1; // jumpingCol = -1; painting = 0; way = new Waypoints[NUMCELLSW*NUMCELLSH]; bPainter = abPainter; setFocusPolicy( NoFocus ); setBackgroundColor( gray ); setMouseTracking( FALSE ); setFixedSize(wHint(), hHint()); timer = new QTimer(this); connect( timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(timerSlot()) ); timer->start( TIMERCLOCK, FALSE ); } /* Destructor: deallocates memory for contents */ LinesBoard::~LinesBoard() { // debug("stop"); timer->stop(); delete timer; delete []way; } void LinesBoard::placeBalls(int pnextBalls[BALLSDROP]) { debug("LinesBoard::placeBalls( )"); for(int i=0; i < BALLSDROP; i++){ nextBalls[i] = pnextBalls[i]; } nextBallToPlace = 0; placeBall(); debug("LinesBoard::placeBalls End "); } void LinesBoard::placeBall( ) { int color = nextBalls[nextBallToPlace]; debug("LinesBoard::placeBall( ) color=%i, nextBallToPlace = %i", color, nextBallToPlace); char* xx = (char*)malloc( sizeof(char)*NUMCELLSW*NUMCELLSH ); char* yy = (char*)malloc( sizeof(char)*NUMCELLSW*NUMCELLSH ); // int nb=3; // if( freeSpace() < 3) nb = freeSpace(); int empty=0; for(int y=0; y 0) { int pos = rand()%empty; putBall( xx[pos], yy[pos], color ); clearAnim(); setAnim( xx[pos], yy[pos], ANIM_BORN ); nextBallToPlace++; AnimStart(ANIM_BORN); free(xx); free(yy); } else { free(xx); free(yy); emit endGame(); } debug("LinesBoard::placeBall END"); } /*id LinesBoard::doAfterBalls() { erase5Balls(); repaint(FALSE); } */ /* Sets the size of the table */ int LinesBoard::width() { return CELLSIZE * NUMCELLSW; } int LinesBoard::height() { return CELLSIZE * NUMCELLSH; } int LinesBoard::wHint() { return width(); } int LinesBoard::hHint() { return height(); } void LinesBoard::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* ) { // debug("LinesBoard::paintEvent "); QPixmap pixmap(width(), height()); QPainter paint(&pixmap, this); for( int y=0; y < NUMCELLSH; y++ ){ for( int x=0; x < NUMCELLSW; x++ ){ if( getBall(x,y) == NOBALL ) { // debug("draw empty %i %i", x, y ); paint.drawPixmap(x*CELLSIZE, y*CELLSIZE, *(bPainter->GetBackgroundPix()) ); } else { // debug("draw empty %i %i %c", x, y, getBall(x,y) ); paint.drawPixmap(x*CELLSIZE, y*CELLSIZE, *(bPainter->GetBall(getBall(x,y),animstep,getAnim(x,y)))); } } } bitBlt(this, 0,0, &pixmap, 0,0, width(), height(), CopyROP); } /* Handles mouse press events for the LinesBoard widget. */ void LinesBoard::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent* e ) { debug("LinesBoard::mousePressEvent START"); int curRow = e->y() / CELLSIZE; int curCol = e->x() / CELLSIZE; //debug debug("Mouse pressed: curRow=%i, curCol=%i", curRow, curCol); //check range if (!checkBounds( curCol, curRow ) ) return; // if( running || anim != ANIM_NO ) return; if(anim != ANIM_JUMP && anim != ANIM_NO) return; if ( anim == ANIM_JUMP ) { if ( getBall(curCol,curRow) == NOBALL ) { if(existPath(jumpingCol, jumpingRow, curCol, curRow)) { saveUndo(); AnimStart(ANIM_RUN); } } else AnimJump(curCol,curRow); } else AnimJump(curCol,curRow); debug("LinesBoard::mousePressEvent END"); } void LinesBoard::AnimJump(int x, int y ) { debug("LinesBoard::AnimJump( %i,%i)", x,y ); if ( getBall(x,y) != NOBALL ) if (!( anim == ANIM_JUMP && jumpingCol == x && jumpingRow == y )) if ( AnimEnd() ) { clearAnim(); setAnim(x,y,ANIM_JUMP); jumpingCol = x; jumpingRow = y; AnimStart(ANIM_JUMP); } debug("LinesBoard::AnimJump END"); } void LinesBoard::AnimStart(int panim) { debug("LinesBoard::AnimStart( %i )", panim); if (anim != ANIM_NO) AnimEnd(); animstep = 0; animdelaystart = 1; switch(panim) { case ANIM_NO: break; case ANIM_BORN: debug("LinesBoard::AnimStart( ANIM_BORN )"); animdelaystart=1; animmax = BOOMBALLS; break; case ANIM_JUMP: direction = -1; animstep = 4; animmax = PIXTIME -1; break; case ANIM_RUN: animdelaystart=3; // do first step on next timer; animdelaycount = 0; // animmax already set break; case ANIM_BURN: animdelaystart=1; animmax = FIREBALLS + FIREPIX - 1; break; default: ; } anim = panim; animdelaycount = animdelaystart; debug("LinesBoard::AnimStart END"); } int LinesBoard::AnimEnd( ) { debug("LinesBoard::AnimEnd( %i )",anim ); if (anim == ANIM_NO ) return true; int oldanim = anim; anim = ANIM_NO; if (oldanim == ANIM_RUN) { if (animstep != animmax) { moveBall(way[animstep].x,way[animstep].y,way[animmax].x,way[animmax].y); } if ( erase5Balls() == 0 ) { // debug("end turn"); emit endTurn(); debug("LinesBoard::AnimEnd END true 1"); return true; } else debug("LinesBoard::AnimEnd END false 2"); return false; } else if ( oldanim == ANIM_BURN ) { emit eraseLine( deleteAnimatedBalls() ); repaint(FALSE); if ( nextBallToPlace < BALLSDROP ) { placeBall(); // continue with born debug("LinesBoard::AnimEnd END false 3"); return false; } else { // emit endTurn(); debug("LinesBoard::AnimEnd END true 4"); return true; } } else if ( oldanim == ANIM_BORN ) { if ( erase5Balls() == 0 ) { if ( freeSpace() > 0) { if ( nextBallToPlace < BALLSDROP ) { placeBall(); debug("LinesBoard::AnimEnd END false 5"); return false; } else { debug("LinesBoard::AnimEnd END true 6"); return true; } } else { debug("emit endGame"); emit endGame(); debug("LinesBoard::AnimEnd END false 7"); return false; } } else { // wait for user input debug("LinesBoard::AnimEnd END true 8"); return true; } } else { debug("LinesBoard::AnimEnd END true"); return true; } return true; } void LinesBoard::AnimNext() { if ( anim != ANIM_NO ) { debug("LinesBoard::AnimNext( ) anim %i animstep %i",anim,animstep); if ( anim == ANIM_JUMP ) { if ( (direction > 0 && animstep == animmax) || ( direction < 0 && animstep == 0)) direction = -direction; animstep += direction; repaint(FALSE); } else { if ( animstep >= animmax ) AnimEnd(); else { animdelaycount--; if (animdelaycount <= 0) { debug("LinesBoard::AnimNext step %i", animstep); if ( anim == ANIM_RUN ) moveBall(way[animstep].x,way[animstep].y,way[animstep+1].x,way[animstep+1].y); animstep++; animdelaycount = animdelaystart; repaint( FALSE ); } } } debug("LinesBoard::AnimNext END"); } } int LinesBoard::getAnim( int x, int y ) { // debug("LinesBoard::getAnim( %i,%i )",x,y); return (( Field::getAnim(x,y) != ANIM_NO )? anim : ANIM_NO); } void LinesBoard::timerSlot() { // debug("LinesBoard::Timer() anim = %i",anim ); AnimNext(); } int LinesBoard::erase5Balls() { //debug debug("LinesBoard::erase5Balls()"); int nb=5; // minimum balls for erasure bool bit_erase[NUMCELLSH][NUMCELLSW]; //bool array for balls, that must be erased for(int y=0; y= nb ) if ( count == nb ) for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) bit_erase[y][x-i] = true; else bit_erase[y][x] = true; } } else { color = newcolor; count = 1; } } } //for vertical //debug("entering to vert"); for(int x=0; x= nb ) if ( count == nb ) for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) bit_erase[y-i][x] = true; else bit_erase[y][x] = true; } } else { color = newcolor; count = 1; } } } // debug("entering to diag1"); //for left-down to rigth-up diagonal for ( int xs = NUMCELLSW-1,ys = NUMCELLSH-nb; xs >= nb-1; ) { count = 0; color = NOBALL; for ( int x = xs, y = ys; x >= 0 && y < NUMCELLSH; x--, y++ ) { if ( (newcolor = getBall(x,y)) == color) { if ( color != NOBALL) { count++; if ( count >= nb ) if ( count == nb ) for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) bit_erase[y-i][x+i] = true; else bit_erase[y][x] = true; } } else { color = newcolor; count = 1; } } if ( ys > 0 ) ys--; else xs--; } //debug("entering to diag2"); //for left-up to rigth-down diagonal for ( int xs = 0,ys = NUMCELLSH-nb; xs <= NUMCELLSW-nb; ) { count = 0; color = NOBALL; for ( int x = xs, y = ys; x < NUMCELLSW && y < NUMCELLSH; x++, y++ ) { if ( (newcolor = getBall(x,y)) == color) { if ( color != NOBALL) { count++; if ( count >= nb ) if ( count == nb ) for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) bit_erase[y-i][x-i] = true; else bit_erase[y][x] = true; } } else { color = newcolor; count = 1; } } if ( ys > 0 ) ys--; else xs++; } //remove all lines balls, that more than nb int cb=0; for(int y=0; y < NUMCELLSH; y++) for(int x=0; x < NUMCELLSW; x++) { if (bit_erase[y][x]) { setAnim(x,y,ANIM_YES); cb++; } else { setAnim(x,y,ANIM_NO); } } //debug debug("LinesBoard::erase5Balls marked %i balls", cb); if ( cb > 0 ) { AnimStart(ANIM_BURN); //emit eraseLine(cb); } //debug debug("LinesBoard::erase5Balls END"); return cb; } #define GO_EMPTY 4 #define GO_A 5 #define GO_B 6 #define GO_BALL 7 bool LinesBoard::existPath(int bx, int by, int ax, int ay) { debug("LinesBoard::existPath( %i, %i, %i, %i )", bx, by, ax, ay); int dx[4]={1,-1, 0, 0}; int dy[4]={0, 0, 1,-1}; // debug("path %i %i %i %i",bx,by,ax,ay); if (getBall(ax,ay) != NOBALL) return false; char pf[NUMCELLSH][NUMCELLSW]; for(int y=0; y=0) && (nx=0) && (ny